How do I find a good doctor in Cincinnati, OH who specializes in problem pregnancies?

I'm 7 weeks and have be in and out of the ER 4 times already due to bleeding. I do not be aware of like the ER is doing everything they can to inform me and protect my kid. I'd just resembling a private doctor who especially deals next to pregnancies similar to mine. Thanks so much!

Ladies any idea???

if you are going to misscarry in the first 3 months next there is nought that can be done i am afraid

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Your best option is to send for a hospital refferal number at Good Sam or Proividence Hospitals! They should be able to refer you to a doctor surrounded by your area.

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If you hold a family doctor, ask for a referral to an OB who specializes surrounded by high risk pregnancies. If you don't hold a family doctor, ask equal question of any doctor that you see. Or, ask one of the nurses for a suggestion. But a referral would get you an appt.

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Go to a place called Just for Women surrounded by Evendale. They have a quantity of Doctors on their staff, and they are all rather good. They deliver plentifully of babies, so I am positive they have see issues like your since, probably lots of times. Also- they deliver their babies at Good Sam, which has the simply level 1 trauma abdication center in the Cincy nouns, so if something does go wrong during the assignment, they have adjectives the resources you could possibly ask for- no other Cincy hospital can say alike thing, and its rather possible if something went slightly wrong, that other hospital would send you over to Good Sam.

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