A womanly request for information...?

For a whole 7 days before my term I get extremely tired, agitated, bad temper and I can't focus. I also get extreme cravings and I feel bloated. I know this is PMS/PMT but how can I comfort these symptoms? Every single month this happens to me. I don't want to take the pill because end time when I was younger it made me feel so sick.

Confused something like periodds?

Western tablets would have you believe that the birth control pill helps to "regulate" the feminine cycle and can take away PM symptoms. They also would have us believe that after childbearing, we no longer stipulation our uterus or ovaries, hence, hysterectomy (female castration) is the second most common surgery done in the US second singular to C-section, because according to them, we also can't birth our own babies.

There is a situation called estrogen dominance that can cause heaps of the symptoms you are describing as well as many more symptoms. If you want to approach your feminine health from a natural standpoint short synthetically produced hormones, bringing your own body back to the balance it is designed to enjoy there are ways to do this.

We have be now programmed to believe that it is "normal" to have these symptoms, extreme bleeding, clots, cramping, mood swings, sugar cravings, freight gain, depression all related to our female cycle. What is certainly true is that these things are now so "common" but should NEVER be considered "normal".

Progesterone and Estrogen need to be contained by specific balances at different times of your cycle, kinda like a bop. If something causes one of the hormones to be too high or too low, over a extent of time, symptoms develop. Also involved in this hormonal dance are two organs, if truth be told located in the brain, the hypothalamus and the pituitary. They also secrete hormones that are remarkably involved in the dance (LH and FSH).

Lifestyle and nutrition play an substantial role in how these organs function and how they are able to communicate next to each other. Estrogen dominance (estrogen is too high within relation to progesterone) can be created through several ways: 1) there are hormones in our food supply, especially within non-organic dairy and meat. (you've probably been ingesting these your entire life.) 2) in attendance are hormone-like substances, called xenohormones, in our environment, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, body concern products,plastics all contain them. These xenohormones get into our bodies, enjoy some of the chemical structure of our hormones but vastly different function. 3) birth control are hormones (most commonly synthetic) the have the effect of shutting down the communication between the reproductive system and the hypothalamus and pituitary, thus creating hormone imbalanaces.

The way the body get rid of foreign substances and hormones begins with the liver, our hardest working detoxifying organ. Giving the liver the nutrients it requests to work effectively is a really good starting point to bring back hormonal match.

I tend to go on and on about this subject because it hits vastly close to home for me. I have brought back hormonal go together to my own body naturally in former times 2 years with liver detoxification and clinical whole food nutrition, using mostly a brand of nutrients sold thru form care practioners, Standard Process.

good luck on your voyage.

How to promise near stinky foot?

Ugh, the PMT is awful, that happens to me also. But you know what really helps?

Run a hot, not thaw bath, boil the kettle for a cup of tea or hot chocolate (never coffee, coffee is too strong for the paracetamol to take affect)
Get contained by the bath with your reheat cuppa and 2 parecetamol, Drink and take your tablets together, then soak up a long soak.
After about 45mins honestly your pains won't return till your next time.
Yeah all women are different but it really works for me.

Haha this is akward.?

The only style to fix it would be birth control pills. Yaz is one that has received a lot of attention for the reality that it helps PMS symptoms. BC pills have be changing. There is a new brand out respectively year that acts differently. It it's been years since you be on bc pills, give them another try. There are so many different hormones contained by the types of pills. It may take a few pills to find the right one but once you do, you'll feel like mad better.

Masturbation Problem or Something More? (Serious Question)?

Many treatments have been suggested for PMS, including diet or lifestyle change, and other supportive means. Medical interventions are primarily concerned with hormonal intervention and use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

for a register of the actual treatments and how they work go to

its got a adjectives section on treatment..
hope it helps.. :)

Is your term really bleak??

Have you tried evening primrose? It's supposed to be brilliant for PMS and really helped calm a friend of mine down. Perhaps it's time you go to see the Dr if you are suffering so much, I'm sure there is something that can be done so don't suffer in silence. Good luck, hope you take it sorted.

What is the best approach to realive cramps?

I have tried a supplement from Holland and Barret called Agmus Castus- it works really capably at stopping the tiredness and irritability.
I still get a bit bloated but I feel better in the region of myself as I am not as foul tempered! They really are worth a try- for everones sake if you were approaching I was!!

Should sex still hurt me?

I hear Midol works. But try the pill again. Your Dr can prescribe a different one. Sometimes you have to try several to find the right one for you. I haven't have any cramps since being on the pill. Try one of the low dose ones like Ortho Tricyclen lo.

IBS Symptoms or something else?

Does anyone know what this medium?
Can anyone facilitate me this is a bit mortifying??
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