How often should i shave my vagina?

I was merely wondering, because it's always some entity i think roughly speaking, does any one out there know how normally someone should shave their vagina, for men what are your preferences always? please help

what cause pus cells surrounded by urine?

i dont think theres a specific frequency for when u should or should not shave it. i expect its just whenever and how repeatedly u want to. i shave it twice a week. it just seem to grow back so quickly lol but really its all just up to u

Why do women hold hard nipples?

Stubble is not a problem. It's impossible to maintain it smooth if you shave. You will probably have to shave once or twice a week. I don't ruminate that's an area you want to shave every sunshine, because it might cause you to get a reckless.

I had my time of year the 10 of this month know im bleeding again could i be pregnant?

Don't care if you enjoy wall to wall carpeting. I see on hair on your legs, I'm pulling my pant up.
I mean trim it so I may gain entry. Otherwise what ever make you happy.

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