no sex drive?
i've been marrid of 2yrs and after i strarted birthcontrol finishing year my sex drive has gone channel down. is this usual
Im on the pill, should i be concerned?
Change birth control pills . Lots of prescibe meds have that effect , Iv'e specified many race who have said duplicate thing . It's not you its the pills . Good Luck : )
Bleeding, when you break your virginity?
It is a side effectPositive pregnancy test,hcg present but nothing on sonogram should i be concerned?
your husbands cheating on youYes and it has nought to do with your birth control. It have to do with your comfort even and stress level.
How can u report if your bleeding to heavy during your term.?
It is a common side effect I don`t know the reason they usually work so ably?I found blood in my bowel movement this of the mill?
No it's not usual. Tell your doctor. There are many different vitamins out nearby that can pick up your sex drive again. Find a health food store and freshly browse, looking for labels that chitchat about vitamins to promote stamina and libido.etc. They are worth it! In the mean time, you might want to change birth control.are you taking the pill? Not upright for you! Diaphragms are better and won't change your body chemistry. merely keep recitation yourself how HOT you are and how much you want it. By an erotic book, watch an erotic show on cable postponed at night, update your husband that you need him to carress you, kiss you, tickle and pull somebody`s leg you, and make you implore for it. You're missing too much!Getting balance posterior after missing 2 pills?
Its the birthcontrol, its a side effect of the birth control. This happen to me, I be one ortho tri cyclen low for about a hour and partly and my sex drive was gone! I stopped taking it in June and its improving!10 points what is it like to be on birth control?
Yes. When your on the pill, your sex drive go down.That's one of the things that the pill is supposed to do!
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