Has any women have PCOS and what was treatment?
I have PCOS and have gastric bypass I am 36 yrs old and want to try a new time tohave a child. Just wondering what kind of treatment, medication anyone maybe taking and exp others may hold with this sydrome?
I own PCOS, and am trying to conceive for almost 4 years now.. I'm on Gonal-F injections, I haven't be successful yet, but I know so several others that have be.
Every case is different though, sometimes a short time ago Clomid does the job..
One piece though, DO NOT go to a ob/gyn, I waisted 2 years in that, just walk straight to a RE (Reproductive Endocronogist) who does this on a regular basis. and know's what he/she's doing..
Best of luck to you. I know how you get the impression.
As a fellow PCOS long-suffering myself,I can understand the struggles and challenge you are facing.I've been doing allot of research on PCOS and both widely held medical and Alternative routes of treatment.Many doctors treat the symptoms of PCOS individually rather afterwards addressing the impose of the problem.Many women with PCOS stir into their doctors office and bring back blanket prescriptions for birth control pills,which does not help the majority of women because it does not correct the cause.
PCOS is cause when our bodies insulin receptors no longer function properly,these high insulin level lead to inflammation and an increase in androgens and or testosterone,this lead to symptoms such as thinning hair,substance gain and irregular periods.
1.) PCOS is cause by high insulin level,so following a diet
which will control and decrease these level should be the first line of defense.Low carbohydrate diets and diets which restrict giant glycemic foods are absolutely neccessary.
2.)Insulin lowering drugs such as Metformin or alternative herbs
or Chromium should be tried efficient to further regulate insulin.
3.)PCOS patients have an increased risk of heaps illnesses so being monitored by a competent doctor is neccessary.
4.)Improved nutrition near the help of insulin lowering drugs are the first stripe of defense against PCOS.
5.) Weight stabilization through the use of exercise,nutrition and medicaln intervention.
educate yourself on PCOS ,browse the library,or call round amazon.com,and check out some books,browse the internet for support groups and more information.Soul cysters website has copious resources and a support group for women with PCOS who are trying to concieve,within is allot of info there.
appropriate luck and you are not alone
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