Bruised breast due to someone biting it, is it bad?

due to a certain charming guy biting my nipple, i enjoy a big yellow/green bruise around my nipple quite big also it bleed and i have scabs on it, advice?

Ladies..A sound man? Us guys need oblige.?

I had that too. It go away in a week.

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It should be ok, if the scabs look red or puffy you can use an rub like neosporin on it. Becareful subsequent time or he might bite it right off :)

do depo shots get your butt bigger?

wow, tell vampire to cool it down.. you should be fine.

Im thinking more or less getting the Paragaurd IUD, Has any one had one put surrounded by recently? Does it hurt? Does it work?

well for one, own your intimate partner to stop biting your nipple that should fix the problem. the bruising will go away after a few days. or weeks.

Im 13 and worried bout my?

just set out it alone an it will get better within time :)
try not to pick at the scabs

Leaky breasts?

ah.. see the doctor & explain to the Dr. wat happened & how you get it, if its an infection it will get treated & most probably you will be given an applicator (cream) to apply to ur effect nipple

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Keep it clean and it will alleviate. By the way, find a smaller number abusive BF.

What are these pains in my breasts?

a guy bit your nipple?? eww! i dream up that's the real problem...aren't you a guy too..WHAT IS ANOTHER GUY DOING BITING YOUR NIPPLE!

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Should be ok... it will merely take some time to restore to health (a week or so). If need be you could put antibiotic cream on it. but otherwise it's basically a waiting game. If it hurts, rime might help. Tell boy toy no bitey bitey for a couple days LOL

Girls one and only!!?

Just don't pick at it, and it will heal over time. If it does not treat within two weeks of him biting it, see a doctor

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