I'm getting my breasts examined for the first time tomorrow.

I'm eighteen. I'm going in because I have a sore lump within my right breast. I'm nervous about the exam. What if my nipples gain erect or something? Would the doctor think I'm turned on? I'm probably worrying for no reason, but I'm startled.

Answers:    It's okay to feel scared. when you attain your breast exam the doctor will look at them from every angle. He/she will make circular mvoements around your breast starting from the outside and then wrapping up at your nipples, most doctors give the nipples a little pinch to bring in sure that no fluid is leaking from them. Your doctor might send you for a mamogram to see why you enjoy the lump. It might just be because of hormones, or a fibre lump, any way it is a good piece to have checked out. Just remember that your doctor has see everything before and is there to provide you beside medical care not to see anything sexual about your breast or you.
You also hold the right to have a nurse in the exam beside you if that will make you feel more comfortable. .
Yeah, your thinking too much into it. No the Doctor will not reckon your turned on. Sometimes the room is a bit cold so that could be one reason for erect nipples. Don't worry, it's not that bleak. :) you should be more concern about the lump than anything else,it may cancer

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