How do you no if you found your soul mate?


Question for the ladies?

if you have to ask next you haven't found him.

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YOUR heart will notify u.

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I dunno darlin' - of the two men that I truly loved as much as breathing, both broke my heart to bits. So I don't move about by the "your heart will tell you" because let face it - within the beginning we tend to bring back carried away, and ignore the signs that something might be wrong (that are much easier to see long after we break up)

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Are you sure you are in love and not infatuated? You enjoy to weigh those questions out. Soul mate are the most special people that are worth individual and spending your entire life beside though. They stick by you through the toughest times as the easiest. And you too would have to reciprocate impossible to tell apart. Life is tough, no doubt... one with that extra special one, priceless.

Sensative .(women only)?

I regard that you will know because the chemistry will be so comfortable and uplifting to you will know in your heart of hearts that this is your "person" I see it would be an emotion that you enjoy never felt beforehand. That person will know the physical you and will still love you anyway!

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Don't believe the hype! I don't surmise there is such a item as a soul mate. I think it's a marketing ploy to construct you feel more lacking without a reliable mate. The people you choose to hold be a part of your life span all serve different purposes. Just hold looking for the one mate that bothers you the least. Everyone is different and no two populace are alike based upon their setting and life experiences. Good luck within your search!

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that person will be resembling ur best friend as well as your lover, u will do everything together and are inseperable! my first one died in 95 and i be fortunate enough to enjoy another for the last 3 years! devout luck

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I think calling someone your soul mate treads on precarious ground...emotionally speaking.

I'll be 48 in a few weeks and over the years, I've learned that we love oodles people within a lot of different ways. My first love...the soul who on my death bed 44 years from presently, I'll consider to be ":the love of my life" was only 13 when I met him. I was 12 but it be love. I don't care what anyone said, it be intense, mind-blowing love.

I've then met a few other folks who I thought were also my "soulmates" who took my heart out, tramped on it, shredded it to bits and feed it to Latvian wolverines.

Well, poetic license there, but you know what I anticipate.

I was so dissapointed that these "soulmates" could do this to me. So, I started reading more...get wiser, hipper---certainly older and realize that titles screw us up.

Don't look for a soulmate. Look for love. Real, abiding love and be realistic roughly speaking it.

Love isn't perfect. It's wonderfully flawed and will invariably impart you cause to quiz it's will render your heart broken...verbs you...bewilder you and quite possibly trademark you happier than you've ever been surrounded by your life.

Look for it when you most minuscule expect it and when you finally get it, unadulterated love allows you to be together and happy as hell and to be apart and not be miserable. Love--REAL LOVE survives the miles...and the years.

And afterwards again...I could BE ALL WRONG!

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I agree next to Annaazzzs. No one is perfect and if you continue for this "soul mate", you might be waiting for your whole vivacity. People used to have aranged marriage and they made them work. They probably didn't all marry their soulmates, but at lowest possible they weren't lonely.

Girls help!?

i will be frank:
the soulmate is an evolutionnary hallucination that forces females to be attracted to alpha males.
Alpha males do not care for their subordinate females,but this particularly ancient instincf forces females to be attracted to males who they would otherwise view as destructive ,selfish,cruel.
This become very adjectives during certain period in the menstrual cycle,where on earth you seem attracted to manly hunks,and during another part of the cycle,you give the impression of being more attracted to more gentle smaller quantity perfect males.
this is a terrifically ancient mammalian instinct in females to increase the chance that they fetch the babies of alpha males,but get taken assistance by whatever is moved out among the lesser males.Its highly cruel towards the lesser males,and is truly the source of many mental disorders among men when they realise that ain't Alphas,but it is also responsible for the "mistakes" girls commit and are incompetent to explain afterwards.

as in: "why do i want to be with a rock star who treats me close to a rag?"
capably now you know.
Now you also know why men want to marry virgins,it give them the evolutionary illusion that they are the alphas within this "tribe".
soulmate? wha?

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