* Women Only Please. Menstration Problems *?

When ever I get on my term I get extremely tired
(I merely want to sleep all time and all night)
and I grain very sick close to I've come down with the Flu.
and I be wondering if other women go through this too and if this is common?
These symptoms just started a few months ago and once I'm done next to my period I perceive 100% better.
Could this mean I might be Anemic?

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Yes it could denote you're anemic, I get matching way. You do lose plentifully of blood when you get your term, therefore depending on how weighty your periods are you can catch anemic. Go to a doctor he might tell you to use a undisputed kind of iron supplements when you're on your time.

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Hmm, are you eating satisfactory? I feel rotten too espically in the past I had children. I be in so much discomfort and would vomit call your doc I decision I had, but as I get older it get better.

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I'm indistinguishable way newly before my time for about a week..purely to make you are not anemic run to the Dr. and have your blood tested.

Please vote?! only girls!!?

I unambiguously get the fatigue. I'm in recent times lucky that I start on the weekends so I actually can sleep adjectives day. I know I surface pretty crappy too, but not exactly like I enjoy the flu. It's normal, but it's a dull pain (literally, unfortunately) to put up with. If you're not considering have children soon, try getting on the pill. It's worked wonders for me.

As far as anemia, it's possible. I know I was recurrently borderline anemic before I go on the pill, so you may want to get it checked out.

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I too get amazingly tired when I'm on it. I just want to sleep adjectives day! Although I don't surface sick like I hold the flu, but every woman is different during their period. You should be on the undisruptive side and go to the Doctor's. Good luck.

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