My nipples hurt......?

well a couple days ago i noticed that when i touch my nipples or put on a bra or sumthing similar to that my nipples start hurting..ive never experinced this b4 not even when im about to seize my not sure why but it in recent times started to hurt,,,can anyone please help me ??

Any women brave adequate to admit that wearing a maxi wipe can sometimes be stimulating?

You know, my nipples hurt close to my time of the of the month, but they didn't use to. Your hormones and things with your body are other changing, i wouldn't verbs about it too much unless it continues for longer than a weeks or so. Now, if you really are worried, you can progress ahead and call your doctor and only just ask the nurse what it could possibly be, that should help a bit. Good luck girly! Hope you touch better!

Has anyone out there ever have a heavy menstrual cycle within early pregnancy?

My butt itches but I largely stay away from posting it on the world wide network.

How do u get ur butt to grow a bit bigger?

Get a pregnancy assessment.

I haven't had a term in a month, but I am NOT pregnant. Any explaination?

try rubbing rime cubes around it that could help

is the pill safe and sound for woman 35 and over with glorious cholestrol and ocasinally smoker?and cancer in family>?

One time I went swimming in the the deep with a t-shirt on and it made my nipples hurt.

What are your thoughts on thisb/c quiz?

When my breasts hurt, I asked my OBGYN about it and he told me to thieve vitamin E. Your problem may not be the same, but it did help out alot.

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