Is this a average entity that happen to a girl?

is this normal, do i have an std, or am i pregnant?

okay, first i want to enunciate im 16 years old.
yes i have have sex =/
the problem is, is that my vagina hurts when i go to wipe myself...
and i dont know what the problem is..if any girl has have this same problem please help me out, because im scared. ='/

Answers:    does it hurt any other time? .
It's happen to me before too.

But the pain go away after a few days.

You could possibly have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
UTIs hurt when you pee and when you wipe.
Including sharp pains, and burning.
If you suspect you have a UTI, commander to the Gyno asap.
If UTIs are not treated they could develop into something worse.

It's best to see your doctor because although it sounds like a yeast infection, you can never be sure until you see a doctor. If you are unable to see one directly, buy a vaginal screening test kit from the pharmacy (made by Vagisil). This will report you whether it's a yeast infection or something else more serious. well maybe its becuz u wear thongs? and theyre too tight so that are starts to hurt

also, after have sex, the pain does leave soreness for a few days ... longer contained by others

and maybe ur getting ur period??

no u dont hold an std and no ur not pregnant

it is normal
more details chica
hurts as in... burns? sensitive to touch?

yes, you can receive a yeast infection or a uti if you're not having sex. and if you are having sex, seize a gynocologist.
i don't haven't had that happen but recount your mom and immediately seek medical lend a hand. Just to be safe Well, I'm not sure what's up without better details but I hold never heard that as either a pregnancy symptom or and std one any so I think you can chill a bit. Does it hurt like a complete lot or could you just be very irritated from sex? This might be mundane.

If this began after the first time you had intercourse or the first time you have vigorous intercourse I think you are simply irritated. When you have sex your bf kind of bumps against your nouns and you're having too much fun for it to hurt just later. Even his pubic hair can irritate you down there. Your labia is impressively sensitive. I bet the pain is going to start to diminish in a couple of days.

And you should chat to a doc about a good method of birth control. Sex is more fun when you're not alarmed of getting pregnant.

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