How can eating yogurt with active cultures prevent a yeast infection?

Women often catch yeast infections after taking antibiotics, because the drug kills past its sell-by date the natural germs and yeast takes over. I've hear that eating yogurt beside active cultures can abet replace the natural microbes. are those bacteria supposed to procure from the digestive tract to the reproductive tract? Or does the yogurt only benefit the gut and does nil to prevent yeast infections?

I doubt it could be through the bloodstream, because any bacteria contained by the blood is a serious medical condition. If it's across the skin, it would seem you'd own a hygiene problem.

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I truly got better results from consumption the yogurt and even when taking actual acidophillous tablets. When you take any of these it goes thru the blood system and surrounded by to the digestive tract to help restore the be a foil for of good microbes there.

Taking acidophillous will oblige prevent yeast infections. I did it for some time taking the acidophillous tablets and it worked pretty well for me.

I would recommend checking beside your dr to be on the safe side.

Females one and only please??

i hate to right to be heard it but your don't eat the yogurt you put it on your vagina and you can get through it i guess it helps

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through the blood, any bacteria surrounded by the blood is not a serious medical problem, only unmistaken types of bacteria are, freshly like have certain types of germs in your vagina is without a flaw accpetable. Bacteria is everywhere and goes everywhere. Inserting yogurt directly into your vagina is more significant though, but I don't know why alicat would hate to read aloud it if it's true? A tampon soaked in buttermilk works also...

Well girls facilitate me out here?

the last poster is correct, you dont guzzle it.
twice i have have yeast infections from antibiotics and noth times i went and bought some plain yogurt.put it on where on earth i was itchy and hurting every couple hours... it never have to be done more than 2 days.
also the cold yogurt is so soothing an insant remedy for fast nouns is to use something like a medication dropper squeeze the yogurt inside and then outside and youll be aware of much better,
good luck

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