Nair question on the arms...?

I used a product like Nair (I focus it was Veet or something) but I used it because I thought that it would be better than shaving. I thought that since the down got burned stale instead of getting a clean cut similar to shaving, it wouldnt grow back as stubble-ish, and it would help yourself to a little longer to grow backbone. But on my legs I can start to feel the roughness at the shutting of the next daytime after I do it, and when it grows back it looks approaching the hair is cut past its sell-by date just approaching shaving.

So I used it on my arms last darkness, and now Im worried that it will grow put a bet on on my arms all rough and darkened. will this happen? Is it only just like shaving? Does anyone else use it on their arms and it grows subsidise prickly?

Birth control problem?

It won't grow back dark or thicker because that is a complete myth but it will be for a while prickly just at first when it grows put money on. That will go away contained by a few days I know from personal experience since I used it on my arms once. Waxing or using an epilator is the best way to remove hackle on your arms. The hair doesn't grow final for weeks and when it does it is soft.

I have my interval in the middle of my birthcontroll?

my friend wax her arms and she never has have a problem with discouraging stubble if you do get them put on moisturizer if it is too dismal try the stuff to bleach it like ethnic group use on there upper lip
just problem is you'd probably need alot

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