Has anyone taken AZO yeast tablets before?
Try eating yogurt reguraly..It serve regulate all the GOOD yeast within your system which helps hang on to the infections down
Does anyone else get a rolling, twisting cramp in their lower tummy?
Yes, it's over the counter. And no, they don't work very okay. If a person have yeast- kill it next to the cream-if not then see a doctor.Yes, i own taken it. No it doesnt really work, and it screws up a urine try-out if your doctor takes one.
GIRLS ONLY _____HELP pppllleeeaassssee?
OMG, YES and this works VERY economically. It takes the twinge away so well. Wait, not for yeast infection, but for a bladder infection = works outstandingly well. Still requirement to see the doc, but it takes the ppain away.Ok ladies, I necessitate your advice please?
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