Has anyone taken AZO yeast tablets before?


Why is my ** swollen inside?

Try eating yogurt reguraly..It serve regulate all the GOOD yeast within your system which helps hang on to the infections down

Does anyone else get a rolling, twisting cramp in their lower tummy?

Yes, it's over the counter. And no, they don't work very okay. If a person have yeast- kill it next to the cream-if not then see a doctor.

Can this inflict thigh fat?

Yes, i own taken it. No it doesnt really work, and it screws up a urine try-out if your doctor takes one.

GIRLS ONLY _____HELP pppllleeeaassssee?

OMG, YES and this works VERY economically. It takes the twinge away so well. Wait, not for yeast infection, but for a bladder infection = works outstandingly well. Still requirement to see the doc, but it takes the ppain away.

Ok ladies, I necessitate your advice please?

never hear of them

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