Women only please.?

I have a low labido problem , this concerns my husband . I want to know if anyone else have this problem, has sort oblige, and whether the treatment was effictive. Thanks contained by advance

Why do I get pelvic throbbing in the righ lower quadrant everytime I hold a period?

This is a adjectives problem among women, yet not abundant talk in the order of it. Especially in this modern hours of daylight of high sexual demands, and the instrument everyone is supposed to looove it. Sweetheart, don't worry, this is mundane. Certain medications can hold a side effect of a lowered labido--if you don't take any--I suggest going to Wal-Mart and looking in the slice with the KY jelly and such--they hold a product made specially to heighten women's libidos. I can't think of the dub of it right now, but I know they own it, and you can buy it over-the-counter, so you don't have to have a chat to anyone about it. Also, pure health food stores recurrently have pills and such for heightened libido. You can find something to serve this without even going to the doctor. Hope this help.

What can i do?

You should speak to a doctor. Depending on your age, health, etc., you obligation to consult them for any meds.

But there are things that can assistance boost your drive. Even natural ways.

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