Help me! WHats happening to me?> is it serious?

okay well i be supposed to get my 3rd interval on the 19th of this mth but i got it yesturday i thought but it be a tiny little bit of spotting and now after taking a hip bath its gone.

I miss a week of birth control pills could i be pregnant?

Don't worry, contained by the first few years it will be irregular like that. I used to enjoy a similar issue, i would bleed for a day after stop for 2 days then bleed for a'll work itself over time.

How can I ease time pain pills dont work?

ya, that's middle-of-the-road.don't worry, u'll be reallly irregular for awhile, it happen sometimes and it may take a couple years to be regular but don't stress

What is herpes?

masturbating shouldn't mess up your term. since this will only be your third spell, this is perfectly regular. usually it takes around a year for them to get on a regular rota.

I once read an article that said that women feel smaller number pain at one time of the month and it is recommended that

Go cart a pregnancy test.

Women im 5.5 inches is that ok?

you are fine dont verbs nothing is wrong

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