Why Do Women....?

Why do y'all gain an attitude so easily over petty stuff? Also, why do y'adjectives have road fume so much? Most of all, why must y'adjectives have 100 pairs of shoes, and $100 Perfume from Macy, Bloomingdales or those places?

Want to hold baby but enjoy trash infection?

Yeah, I don't understand why some women are approaching this. It's so strange. I'm glad I'm not and I never will be cause I have a sneaking suspicion that it's stupid to get batty over little things and I mean, not a soul ever notices your shoes. Good for you for aphorism everything that most men only keep hold of in their head.

Menopause. why do i wake merely before a hot flush?

It's what we do!


You are particularly stereotypical, we are not ALL that way, so don't EVER read out that again.

IUDs are they good or not?

because we are women and we do that so receive over it, we are like that ok?

Can anybody know about polyurea?

Why do you hold to have sex a TV a cool truck??
Besides we enjoy road rage because you guys drive so aggressively and dumb:)

I have unprotected sex, my period come but it was lantern, and in two days it be gone could i be pregnant?

I want you to be aware that a lot of women, resembling me, do not have or entail 100 pairs of shoes, $100 perfume, or two walk within closets full of clothes. I don't see why it's necessary any.

I prefer o.r.a.l. than actual pene.tration is this normal?

obviously you know nought about women. you better swing your attitude if you ever expect to have a woman.

I'm spotting feathery pink please help..?

Not adjectives of us! Don't generalize over a few bad apples surrounded by the bunch.

I'm a good and polite driver.

I don't want 100 pairs of shoes and I don't similar to most perfumes. I don't enjoy the money even if I did.

You've been associating beside the wrong kind of women.

I mixed my birth control up and I own been premonition sick, Please Help!?

1. i don't get an attitude over petty stuff markedly often. within fact... my husbands friends love me because we'll trick around and he'll say stuff to me that would receive most guys slapped...lol
2. even if i did get an attitude.. he still get all the bl*w j*bs he requests.. and i NEVER with hold sex... i never hold.. and we've been together three years.
3. i singular have nearly 5 pairs of shoes that i ever wear.. and total.. probably about 10 pairs of shoes.
4. my perfume... victorias undeclared... usually 6 for $30!

yeah.. some girls are that way.. and it drives me nuts. i'm not giant maintenance.. but i'm not a scrubby bum any. i dress cute and i take concern of my man.. i cook for him clean for him.. i do everything for him because i love him and thats the approach it should be..

i don't have particularly many feminine friends for the sheer fact i can't stand the things roughly them you mentioned...

good luck.. you are going to enjoy a bunch of girls b*tch you out for this question. ;o)

Going lacking?

Why do y'all resembling fast cars? Why do y'adjectives stare and make remarks at girls and suggest you're cool? Why do y'all achieve an attitude and think it's manly to assault up and abuse women, Y'ALL!

HELP! Pain in my Breast.?

well not adjectives women I love to shop at thrift shops and 2nd hand stores.I don't necessitate a 100 pair of shoes adjectives I need is a dress set of two and my tenna shoes and my flip flops and I am set.and Perfume well I similar to body spray my self.I do but cloths from Jc pennys but I always try and buy from the sale rack so I can get more for my money.

How can I luxury period backache pills dont work?

You're stereotyping and all women, especially me, are not similar to that. If this is what you see in adjectives women , then you may necessitate to look elsewhere!

Im 15 years old feminine and just below 5'4what should i do if i want to be taller?

Because we have to accord with men adjectives day every morning.

Crying and stitches?

I believe we get foolish so easily because we hold a lot on our plates very soon days. It's not like fund in the days when we stayed home and took vigilance of the kids. Now we are expected to everything a man does plus the stuff a man needs us to do. In time men own always provided, working have always be part of a men's "responsibility". Now we enjoy to do everything that is expected of us within the home, with the 5-1 ratio of women to men we enjoy to keep our spectator sport tight to kept our men in the home, but also work the commission twice as hard to prove me deserve it. Not to speak men don't have it equally intricate but the fact of the issue is that there are far more mother mortal both the mother/father than there are the conflicting way. I guess you can speak we have the world on our shoulders and it's making us tired and grumpy :>). Why do we close to all the other stuff is as simple as why do you men similar to to see us in those things. The cheap perfume don't make your heart melt, the shoes stir with the outfits that attract your eyes. But a examine for you, are you sure you are just not into materialistic females?

What are some cause to an irregular menstrual cycle?


Nurses & Doctors only, which doctor should I step to?

i agree with some of the other responses...Not ALL women are that mode but u should remember that women have raging hormones during constant times and women are more emotional next men. but as for the shoes and clothing n stuff that's just how we do it i hope you would similar to a nice woman...but like i said ALL women aren't approaching that!

URGENT! How effective are tampons when swimming?

Why do you suggest you know so much about "what adjectives women" do and say and hold and use? Women are all individuals and it is our right to buy what we want, articulate what we want, and act the process we want, regardless of your opinion.

what's the difference between a stroke and a appropriation?

wow, what kind of women do u hang up w/? thanx 4 the points! =D

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