Girl trouble comfort?

HI girlies.
Okay I am really irregular with my monthly cycle I be on fine for several months, but then several months I don't come on what so ever!
I be just wandering is it possible to make your extent come? I know it may sound stupid but I'm desperate! I think I may be the just girl in the world who loves being on and I only just ever am! lol whats all that about?

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i be like this so i had to walk to the doctors he said it can be normal in some stressed out juvenile or it can just happen im other irregular dont worry :)

What is the rationale of heavily built brak out on feminine face close to exema. is it true it is insufficiency of sex?

go to your doctors. i be constantly on my period for liek 6 months non-stop (worst time of my life may i add) i kept going to the doctors and they kept aphorism it would stop naturally but when it didn't i went vertebrae to the doctors and they gave me an injection and tablets which released the much needed hormones to stop my cycle. so i'm sure if they have hormone tablets to embezzle you off maybe they own tablets to encourage your cycle too.

by the way...yes you must be THE ONLY girl contained by the world who enjoys getting your period.

Done next to hormonal birth control, what do you suggest?

you cant force yourself as such to hold a period, but there are several things that ma facilitate. one is to try and be as relaxed as possible and try not to think about have a period. another suggestion is to maybe consider going on the pill so you can own regular 'periods' every 3-4 weeks or so. my advice is though, go and see your gp as you may enjoy an underlying problem that may need resolving or medical treatment. jo

Whats contained by a rape apparatus?

wow, you like have your period? Your rare. Most associates try to make it stay away, not come. You can speak to your doctor because certain birth control, resembling the pill can make periods regular.

(girls)anyone that's ever get the depo provera birth control shot relief me read this?

It will adjectives come right once you have had a babe-in-arms, but in the mean time, return with some tablets from the chemist to regulate your menses

I want to hold a hollywood wax done since my holiday,is it worth the stomach-ache and how bleeding is it?

if you play with yourself it will make your term faster i had the problem and that is adjectives you do so you are welcome stares please

Struggling to enjoy sex??

ascorbic acid... bear it a day before you are supposed to start.

also getting on birth control will support.

My 11 yr old-fashioned sis have be have unprotected sex since april 9th, every afternoon. HELP!?

a girl who likes having a extent WOW thats rare

Disturbing Question?

Go to your doctors. There could be an underlying cause for this.

What does a vagina look close to?

budge to your OBGYN

Body coat..will it run away? unproblematic points?

Has anyone tried the 'blue pill'?
Im bleeding and i shouldn't enjoy my extent till subsequent week?
Another wierd dream but GRLS ONLY PLZ?
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