My bf complains that I am too wet while having sex and he can't feel me...?

He keeps stopping to wipe me dry because he say it's way too drizzly. I do wet really wet to a dripping point. Is that fruitless? Is there something wrong near me? My girlfriend says she have to spit on hers or use lube 'cuz that isn't her case ... humm, I am worried in a minute.

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He obviously requirements more friction because it feels virtuous to him, but that would feel bloody to you. Try squeezing your PC muscle during intercourse to give him a different notion and see if that helps. Otherwise at hand is really nothing you can do.

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he must be doing somthing right, wallow in!

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Your boyfriend is unbelievably strange. Wet is good. Feels polite. Lubes good. Sex is accurate. Dry is bad. Get a modern boyfriend and dump this lousy lover and complainer.

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Your B/F should soak up what he has and stop complaining.
Dont verbs about a item, your level of arousal should be exciting to your bf and he should stop anyone so selfish.

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Definately something the whole world didn't requirement to know.

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get a tentative boyfriend cos the one u have have no idea at adjectives how lucky he is.

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I am a woman and I kinda quality the same road your bf does. If I get too damp, it feels similar to there is not plenty friction. So I like to be a touch drier. In porn, it seems resembling they think the wetter, the better. Also, don't forget your kegel exercises.

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wet is good. it scheme ur aroused so well u showery and that ur healthy. dry is not pious as it can be painful. i carry too wet too and thats the armour, just wipe it. in that is nothing wrong beside you.

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There's zilch wrong with you. People spend lots of money to do what you do with ease. Your body creates this for a reason, it is a lubricant and a sign that you are aroused. Without that lubricant, sex would be incredibly uncomfortable..

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My thought is that there's zilch wrong with YOU, but conceivably with HIM. If he masturbates beside too-tight a fist, he might be used to really tight, really dry stimulation. That would be his fault. He desires to stop masturbating for a few weeks so his dick can get sensitive again.and later masturbate lightly after that.

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You're supposed to be wet. Infact, that's why they supply lube, for women that can't produce it on their own.

By wiping you dry, you're boyfriend is human being inconsiderate. He wants friction but it could raison d`ĂȘtre you pain and even slit you.

It sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe you involve to discuss it with him because he seem sorta new to the activity so to speak. Any male I've ever particular as always said the more damp the better.

There is absolutely nought wrong with you. But in attendance is something wrong with him if he can't perceive sensation on his penis through natural lube. Maybe he have nerve destroy, he may want to go to the doctor.

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I agree with the other answers so far. Your boyfriend only needs to chill. So what if he have to dry you off presently & then? All that method is you are enjoying him. He should be proud of that and not complain something like it. If he continues and will not accept it, next maybe you do entail someone else who will. I used to be in your friend's shoes, where on earth I needed extra lube. Now, I'm just close to you- if not worse. :-) It's a upright thing. NOT a impossible, embarrasing, or shameful thing. Be proud of who you are and the traits you enjoy. Stay Sweet!

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dont worry give or take a few this thing girl.its in recent times natural that your incredibly wet because you're still youthful...i dont know if your b/f can afford to have sex near dry vagina if you are already a member of se~nior citizen..

Please assist me!?

i would love that to happen if you be my g/f especially to go down on u! he doesn't know what he is chitchat about!

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