If ovulation does not take place while on the pill then how can you get pregnant?


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To answer this cross-examine, you need to take to mean physiology behind ovulation. During period ur ovaries produce hormone estrogen and progesterone and when the levels of these hormones are surrounded by harmony ( at infallible level) then ovulation occur.
Now there are 2 types of pills
Combined pills (contains both estrogen and progesterone hormone ), this pill works by fooling your body as if you are already pregnant and so suppresses ovulation, but if you miss more than one dose, the level of hormone in your body is reduced and hence you can ovulate.
2ND type of pill is Progesterone solitary pill (Mini-pill). It works in entirely different way, It works by thicken your mucus in cervix(neck of womb) and vagina and prevents ovulation at same time it prevents implantation of ovum if fertilized by thinning the pool liner of womb, That is why women on POP for long time don't have any period or very mean periods.
This type of pill is smaller number effective and women enjoy to take at precisely same time everyday, If you are more than 3 hours unpaid of taking it, it can lead to pregnancy.

Im 2 days slow for my period, did a preg question paper and saw very flimsy faint flash?

Well you are not supposed to get pregnant on the birth control pill, providing that you run it the way you should. Ovulation does turn out when you have your term. The pill causes your body to produce extra hormones to create a sticky mucas like substance infront of the entrance to your cervix to stop sperm from fertilizing the egg. Sperm can live for up to three days in the body, so taking your pill on the dot the right way is what you involve to do for maximum efficiency.

I only finished my period today. For 2 weeks my stomach have been distended and bloated.?

you can still receive pregnant will you are on the pill.. ovulation still takes place approaching it always does, the pill, freshly basically help to better protect from actual fertilization.

Question about Birth Control Pill?

Sometimes other medication such as antibiotics can interfere with the efficiency of the pill.

Could I be having an annovulatory cycle?

the pill works by preventing ovulation. some women will ovulate on the pill if they miss pills or embezzle them late. this is how "pill-pregnancies" materialize

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The pill works by inhibiting ovulation and causing change to the cervical mucous to prevent implantation. The reason that some women bring back pregnant is that birth control is just not 100% efficient, even if it taken right on time every year. About 1 in 1000 women will still get hold of pregnant. Plus, if you miss doses or don't take the pill close to impossible to tell apart time every day, the usefulness will drop to about 95%. Also, the pill may not be as significant for women who are overweight, because they may not get an passable dose. Certain medications, such as anti-epileptic drugs and antibiotics, may end the effectiveness of birth control as all right.

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