what does D & C stand for?



Dilation and curettage - D&C

Reviewed by Dr Philip Owen, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist

Curettage of the uterus (womb) is the scraping of the inside layer of the uterus (the endometrium). The procedure is commonly known as dilation and curettage or D&C.

When is D&C carried out?
There are two prime reasons for performing a D&C:
An evacuation D&C is perform in a just this minute pregnant woman to remove tissue remaining in the womb.

A gynaecological D&C is part of the investigation of a woman who is experiencing hard to digest or irregular periods or vaginal bleeding after the menopause.

**I have to have a D&C after I have a miscarriage, because I was incompetent to pass the fetus.**

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It's one type of abortion. (dilation and curettage)

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Dilation and curettage

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dilation and curretage (sp?)

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Dilation and Curettage.

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Dilation (dilatation) and curettage (D&C) or sharp curettage is a gynaecological procedure performed on the womanly reproductive system that used to be a common method of abortion. The procedure involves dilating the cervix and inserting instruments to verbs out the lining of the uterus, which can include an embryo or fetus, while the woman is lower than an anaesthetic. A curettage is performed near a curette, a metal rod with a pedal on one end and a sharp loop on the other.

im terrified i mite be pregnant?

Dilation (of the cervix) and Cutterage (or scraping of the pool liner of the uterus)

It can be used to evacuate the produts of conception or to treat many different types of GYN roblems.

How soon should I verbs?

dilation and curettage

Abbr. D & C

A surgical procedure in which the cervix is expanded using a dilator and the uterine inside layer scraped with a curette, perform for the diagnosis and treatment of various uterine conditions.

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Dilatation & curettage

I just found I enjoy PCOS few minutes ago?

this is a gynecological procedure. go to webmd and look it up under womens condition.

What is this "discharge"?

Dilatation and Curretage

It's a "gynacological procedure" (not related to pregnancy/pregnancy complication). many of culture here written as.emptying uterine cavity after abortion.which is WRONG.coz it is (better) term as D&E (Dilatation n EVACUATION)..and this is Obstetric procedure.

So D&C term involves removing endometrium after dilating cervix(opening of uterus in vagina) in NON PREGNANT state.so have nothing to do near abortions and treatment of abortion

Indication for D&C are.

To diagnosis of endometrial cancer/polyps/endometrial TB
To detect ovulation changes within endometrium
treating DUB variety of Heavy menstrual bleeding
to know type of gynaecological condition cause heavy menses

SO avoid misnomer occupancy ..

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