Periods - will they ever restart?

I am in the process of recovering from an ingestion disorder. My periods started when i be 13, vanished when i was 15 after a line death.

I have one early later year, very throbbing and lasted over a week. I do not approaching going to doctors.

Do you think my period will ever restart again. What would you all suggest.

Im 20, live on my own contained by a self contained flat.

Any answers appreciated.


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Can you go to the public strength department in your nouns? You may have some sort of hormonal problem (like ovarian cysts or something like that)...You could try to find a woman doctor if that would assist you to feel more at straightforwardness...

since you say "flat" for "apartment"...afterwards it sounds like you live contained by I am not sure about what you enjoy there within the way of public strength departments...

Everytime i have sex next to my husband for about 2 days after i hold a discharge. its just white, no foul odor.?

Depending if the dilapidated that you did to your system is permanent the best entry if your you to visit a Doctor as they may know how to help an grant you a treatment

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The only answer I can offer you it to go and see your doctor - it is the solely way to rule out any everlasting damage. You can ask to be referred and see specialist doctors who are hugely approachable and understand what you enjoy been through.
They may start again but you really entail to get checked out first. You can ask for a woman doctor if you prefer - angelic luck

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I suggest waiting until you fully restore your health from your eating disorder. A dramatic loss within weight and minimal body podginess cause you to lose your extent. If after you have recovered, and they do not start, I consequently suggest going to see a doctor about getting the birth control pill.

Also, congrats on getting facilitate for your eating disorder. Realizing nearby is a problem is hard to do, accepting minister to is even harder. I have be there. I suffer from a mental weakness, i thought panic attacks and depression be normal for years, next I realized i needed backing.

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Are you trying to restore your health from an eating disorder beside no medical support? Not good.. please please walk and see your doc (GP).. as you are obviously aware an ingestion disorder will mess with your hormones and inevitably propose a stop or irregular periods. It is incredibly difficult to fracas any illness on your own, you entail professional help from populace who have be through this before and also those who are medically qualified. Don't be frightened or ashamed, you are not alone.. find an ingestion disorder support group locally and be brave its amazing how things fall into perspective when you communicate beside people who are going through or indeed own been through equal thing.. maybe you could start by finding a support group online.. But please go and acquire some bloods taken to check your hormne levels so that you can put your mind at rest that in attendance is no permanent weaken and that it is just a pro tem glitch. All the best

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Hi,I am not sure what to tell you,my period stopped over 10 years ago,I am infertile now,but I reckon the younger you are the more chance you hold of regaining them back,you entail to speak to your doctor though.
Congratulations on recovering from your eating disorder,you must be a strong and drastically brave person.x

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