I have bleeding from my back passage when i have my periods,?

i am not constipated, i drink plenty of water and i do regular exercise,the blood pours out of me,i bring my period every 19 days.

spotting for few days in a minute?

Seek medical advise as soon as possible. Spartan

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i dont judge so somehow

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I think I might be pregnant and can't be in motion to the doctor I have no insurance can anyone offer me some advice?

It's conspicuously time to go to the doctor - do it NOW.

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James? If you are a man and you are having a time then you requirement to see a Dr. !!

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Are you sure it is coming from your anal area. Both front and flipside are closely located, therefore, it may newly seem approaching it is coming from the rear. I would say aloud you have a serious problem if it be all of the time, and not of late at your period time. At any rate, it would be best to stop by the gynecologist during your time to have it examined.

girl sound out re: menstrual cycle?

It is possible you have a haemorrhoid. You can usually quality something coming out of your anus, & it may feel tender to touch. If you do own one, when you are menstruating it will be put under strain & can motive bleeding. You don't need to be constipated any. I suggest you see a doctor, as you can bleed to death if it is not treated. You also necessitate to get your hormone level checked just within case. A cycle of 19 days may be run of the mill for you.

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If it is worrying you, win it checked out by the doctor.

It is possible that it is just running from your front hallway to your back hallway as the areas are connected. That happens to me, especially on heavier days or if I sitting or lying in a position to facilitate that nature of movement.

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Sometimes when you're wearing sanitary towels, the blood spurts out and spreads to the back of the wipe. It doesn't necessarily mean it's coming out of your posterior area. When you're wipe yourself, it is possible to have some blood on your 'rear legs passage' but that's individual because the blood spreads along the pad.

If you seriously have a sneaking suspicion that it's coming out of there, later you should go to doctor asap. This sounds disgusting but you should look at your solids to check nearby's blood there. If in attendance is, then definetely see your doctor, or nearest nurse.

Also, you could try using tampons instead of sanitary towels. The first few times you could really use a sanitary towel, too, in covering it leaks through. But if in attendance's still lots of bleeding and you have a tampon inside you, later it's definetely cause for concern - see a doctor if this is the luggage.

Hope you're okay though.

Regular periods beside no ovulation?

Go to a gynecologist and have a check up. Having your time of year every 19 days is quite frequent. At that time bring back your rectal area checked out - bleeding from near is not normal any.
Do you have hemorrhoids? The is a possible exact of bleeding but get checked for sure to find out the clear-cut cause.
Good luck.

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