Can sex hurt if I haven't had it for awhile? It's been awhile for me and I'm nervous.?

When using a vibrator I noticed it be somewhat painful when I stretched the inside of my vagina. I am currently seeing someone, and though we haven't have sex yet, I am hesitant as it has be about 2-3 years since i've have it.

I'am i petite?

yes it will hurt but not has discouraging has the first time but it will hurt newly tell him to move about slow when he first puts it in so it want hurt have bad i know what u are conversation about i have sex first time when i was 17 than never have it again till i was 21 it hurt the second time for the few second but it went away accurate luck!

Girlies we all abhorrence this..ugh monthlys?

Yes it usually is painful the first few times. I am have a similar experience and I tried to go slow at first. My doctor have recently told tme to not over due it as I own a small and narrow frame. But i cogitate your body will get used to it after a couple of times...Just start past its sell-by date slow and let your body gain back contained by the game by its own stride...

Period is so late?!?

I dont have an idea that it will be as painful as the first time you have sex but it likely will be humiliated. You'll re-adjust quickly

Just make sure you're worked up back he inserts or even try a store bought lube to make it easier for both of you. And relate your partner to go slowly.

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dont be nervous
it wont be as painful as the first time, but it might be a little
try to relax and savour it

Anyone with interstitial cystitis know of any portable heat pad that I can cart with me on break?

It shouldn't be much worse than using your vibrator. Just make sure you're nice and relaxed and enjoy yourself.

Whilst on the birth control pill, if you have outbreak bleeding, does this denote?

use lubrication

Should I have told him I WAS pregnant?

Considering that you enjoy been using a vibrator and enjoy developed pain, you should look into the possibility of a yeast infection. Over-the -counter treatments such as Monistat can filch care of this to some extent easy to treat condition.

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well lets basically say he resourcefully enjoy it but for you it freshly depends on if it is sex or love making i would just agree to him know it has be a long time and maybe if he care he will be gentle and the both of you will delight in it

What are chances of pregnancy?

Yes unless you do doggy style (girl contained by baby crawl position and boy on legs next to girl in control) or if you lay beside girl on the top and in control.

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Have LOTS of foreplay prior to having any sex... and most essential of all LOTS of lube! enjoy fun!!

Is it normal to hold really bad body ache, especially on the lower back when on your interval?

maybe he will be teeny tiny lol no problems that way

Is anal sex fruitless for your health?

I vote usually your emotions for a guy will unfurl you as you get drizzling from excitment. Be sure he's the right one though. Don't get involved only just because it's been along time and you're curious. I've made frequent a mistakes thinking like that. He can be peaceable with you and this will soft your nerves and you'll be fine.

Teenage guys only please!!?

Yes, you are presently under control of addiction of using vibrator. If you necessitate more and more about sex, please grain free to ask me any time and every time

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