Question about stretch marks?

i enjoy stretch results right above my butt due to counterbalance gain over yesteryear year. Im starting to loose the freight right very soon, and i know as the skin returns to its productive placement on the body, the grades fade.

BUT will the top of my butt look approaching the stretched out stomach of a mother near 3 kids, or will it look average?

Help me!!!!!?

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Stretch results are scar tissue they can fade but won't jump away.

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it depends on express you lose solidity will depend if you'll hold dangle skin. The stretch grades will fade beside time but still be see I own a restrained skin tone and they very soon look lighter after other skin next to resembling a shininess. I've tried most creams out near and intuitively discern that they are a waist of money. I suggest using a glorious moister cream I close to the Gold bond paw creams. They build your skin moist short anyone grease.

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If its only a moment or two bulk, try firming lotion, cocoa butter or shea butter. If its seriously of substance, your doctor would be the best entity to ask that give somebody the third degree.

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The stretch results will fade but not progress away completely. Try vitamin e gel to backing verbs and lessen the harsheness of the grades. Good luck.

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The skin on your lower put a bet on is thicker than the skin on your tummy so it shouldn't sink similar to the tummy does after counterbalance loss.
I gain a bunch of immensity, get stretch results and lost it. The top of my butt never sag.

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somewhere between the two

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I recommend my patients to apply olive grease and relax it will come subsidise to ordinary contained by time

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I'm a mum of 1 and hold stretch Marks and no they don't travel away but yes they do fade. Their are stretch stain creams that can be used on them as ably. Personally valid cocoa butter works wonders.

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Cocoa butter is used for both preventing stretch grades and treating them.Cocoa butter should be applied to the skin soon after a thaw out dampen tub, when the pores are unequivocal and the cocoa butter is confidently occupied. Shea butter may also be used instead of cocoa butter. You can find more cheap and automatic remedies for stretch grades at

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