ABORTION PLEASe (no saints please)?

what do i do about a one week pregnancy

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awww hun, I'm so sorry, all these populace aren't helping with the preaching. you should move about and see your doctor, at the stage you're at now you can bring a pill whihc basically cause a miscarriage. You take one and later about a year later you embezzle the second, it meants you can be in the comfort of your own bathroom. they will also furnish you antibiotics to make sure you're ok as in good health.

I hope you're ok and feel better soon, give the brush-off the nasty populace who have NO thought of your circumstances.

Is this good or impossible?

If you are willing to abort the newborn within you, next that is your choice. You know here are millions of people who would love to own a darling tot to care for.

Late spell?

look i know u said u dont wanna hear it,but think nearly it "do you really wanna kill a baby".i would NEVER do that below any circumstances UNLESS i was raped or something.please lately think around it.

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First of all are you sure it isn't a false positive? One week is awfully precipitate to tell unless you enjoy gotten a blood test surrounded by the doctor's office. Make sure that you are surrounded by fact pregnant. If you are, next talk beside your doctor. I am unsure about what your option would be. I would like you to please consider what an abortion will do to your body and your moving health. I am NOT lecture you, just please be informed anything your decision is.

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What do you connote what do you do? If you want to terminate your pregnancy you have need of to go to a womens vigour and wellness clinic somewhere and ask them how you go more or less doing that in your area. if you want to fetch the child, and give it up for abortion(which i consistency is the best choice) you can get equal information about how to do that a indistinguishable clinic. just hang on to in mind here are many deserving women and men out in that who can't have babies and would be wonderful parents for that kid... just needed to mention that - but please go near your gut feeling. gross sure you let the man know too - it's his child too

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Personally i don't believe in abortion and everyone else has within own point of views nearly it but, don't kill a innocence child. if you surface you cannot raise it or not sufficiently expert to then yes catch a abortion and wait to hold kids until you are older. if you be raped by someone then yes. but verbalize to your mother or a doctor about it so they can comfort you. but the DNC Will hurt badly. i own suffered a miscarriage and it was devastating and i have to get one and the same percdure as a abortion. It was the most raw experience to go through. Just get sure you know what you are doing and if you do it, i hope you don't live with regret.

What do you do near those little pregancy tests you can use at home?

All of the society above are still trying to force the 'pro life' preference down our throats. It is our own personal choice what we do with our bodies so instead of trying to sway her, afford her advice. I would much prefer support to some extent than being preached at! I would move about to the doctor and get him/her to do a blood testing to confirm the pregnancy. I would then find a women's condition clinic and go speak to them more or less the procedure. I don't know where you are from but here is a company called Marie Stopes International which assists women within these areas so maybe try looking them up on the web. That's about adjectives I know so, hope it was a comfort.

How long after getting you belly pierced can u..?

why would you want to have an abortion when someone else be wishing to enjoy a kids.

WHY IS EVERYTHING a maybe ? today.''?

You may be infantile or old but I share you this abortion is killing your own child. it may still be a blood but it is already a living piece because it grows within you. Go thru it because it is your own doing. it may be a curse to you presently, think it over because it is God's offering to you. Accept it .

If my Haematocrit (PCV) reads 35 % and ESR as 36 mm/hr (im 30 and female) what should my worries be?

too discouraging you didnt have the sense to catch the morning after pill, go to planned maternity and start the process to get rid of this problem.

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Honestly, I would wait rather while for better results..you dont want some doctor going in there and unsafe anything.for something that might not be there. If it does come spinal column positive, the sooner you take caution of it, the better.

Did u ever perform CPR on a behind schedule pregnant woman?

you should do whatever is best for you. if have an abortion is the best thing for you, than be in motion ahead. but i think if you're gonna hold it it's best that you get it soon

Im 14 years dated gonna turn 15. but yet i havent started my time, what the hell is wrong with me?!?!!?

Well, if you don't wanna enjoy the baby, grasp an abortion. But first, be sure you are pregnant. One week is kinda soon to tell. You should not be aware of bad nearly getting an abortion because the baby would probably not be considered necessary anyway.

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ask your mom should she enjoy aborted you.
Selfish general public suck (Yes talking almost you)

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