Should i enjoy sex next to him?

honestly i've known this guy for a while and we've be texting for weeks. But on monday i met him and we ended up doing sexual things together. Then on wednesday he come round and he gave me oral sex. I really like it and i feel so comfortable beside him. The thing is in a minute it's valentines day and i'm going round to his, but 95% of me really requests to loose my virgintiy to him, by the way i'm 17. Although the other 5% is dreading what my friends will focus, as ive only properly been going out next to him for 4 days. I keep thinking how adults can enjoy one night stands and later end up together, am i too infantile to have sex next to him? Even though i so want to.

Please give me your recommend

Answers:    If you like him this much after four days, visualize how great it would be to really get to know him and THEN dispense yourself to him. Having sex with someone does stamp your fate near that person. While one hours of darkness stands happen adjectives the time, they are best when between two adults who understand that they are a short time ago night. Get to know more almost this guy than just how cute and fun he can be after four days..why not lurk a bit longer?
Yes. You're not too young to own sex. Enjoy it. Well, it's romantic to have sex on valentines daytime. However, don't lose your virginity to him if you think it's too soon. You don't know what he really wishes this soon in the relationship, he could be using you.
No Honestly, I surmise you are. Then again I lost my virginity kinda the same process, at age 16.

Nothings said here will stop your hormones in the extension. Your going to probably end up doing him. Just construct sure he wraps it up k? You know what I mean
You arent toooo childlike, but you havent known him for long at adjectives. I would give it ALOT more time. Losing your virginity is a primary deal, you want to label sure you lose it to the right person. No. Don't. He could be using you as a sex toy. Don't ever own sex with someone you've be dating for four days. >[ That's gotta have a fruitless outcome. So wait. :]
too much too soon love, you should`ve get to know him properly first, never mind your friends, whats he telling his When I lost mine I'd certain the guy for about two years. We never dated, but I 100% know that I wanted it to be him. (I be 15)

You gotta be careful almost who you lose it to.
I don't regret losing mine to this guy at all, but if I did, that's something I'll hold to live with forever.

It's not that big of a buy and sell, really. But it is something that defines sure things in your life span. Loads of kids don't care now, but I personally dream up it's important.

If you are sure you wanna do it, later do it (Use.Protection! Seen Juno? You don't wanna go through that.)
Are you pretty sure you wanna do it, but not totally? Then don't. It's that simple. If there's a touch bit of doubt, then you can skulk.

And if he really cares in the order of you, then he can lurk, too.
I'm not concerned about your age, I'm concerned that you are thinking of have sex with someone you've solely known for a short time of time.

If you do (I hope you don't!) make sure he wear a condom. No rubber, no lovin!
its totally up to u if you feel comfortable at the time in recent times dont feel pressured into it OMG! NO! DONT DO IT! Honey virgins at your age are a bloody thing, be proud of yourself! Losing your innocence is a big do business, so don't do it just because you "resembling the person". If he respects you enough he'll continue until your 110% ready. Oh, and dont verbs about what anyone think, its your body. I just hope that if you chose to you wont regret it after that. Make sure your sure thats all :o)
Cassie, you are still immature. Try to explore more of your life. Dont you enjoy dreams? Dont settle in one fish within the aquarium that's what I've learned from sex coaching. Reserve your virginity to your husband someday. I know it is too oldie but this is true. If you will have sex beside him and what if you get pregnant... can you support your child someday? Or permit us say you will not seize pregnant and this guy will leave you someday, how just about your reputation, your not a virgin anymore? I hope you understand. No... You still have need of more to this guy...You dont know him fully.Better give your virginity to the one that you will spent the rest of your natural life w/. Hope this will clear up your mind.
well why do you friends own to know what you get up to contained by the privacy of your bed? you are not too young legitimately, but its up to you what you do as the other guy said nothing will stop your hormones. jump with what you consistency comfortable with if you own only agreed him for 4 days, then conceivably not, talk to him first, see what his thoughts on it are see if he is using you or weather he really likes you, if your in position to have sex beside him then travel for it but if even 1 % of you is unsure about it consequently DONT do it, if he really likes you he will dawdle until YOUR ready! If you're going to hold sex then run stale and tell your friends, you're too young-looking. Sex is a intimate, personal, Private thing, not a social entity.
Those adults that have sex beside someone they recently met don't ask anyone, but themselves, if it's the right time. You're ready for your age for asking about it and thinking this through, but within the end you're probably unawares. Have you both had a AIDS or other STD audition? What form of birth control will you use? If you get pregnant, what will you do? Is it even official? (If he's a legal fully fledged he could be charged with statutory rape.) Sit him down and homily it out if you get surrounded by this situation. If he gets protective he's just using you, if he rushes you, same piece. In the end you're going to enjoy to make this choice on your own, but don't tolerate him push you into it and think fundamentally carefully more or less what could happen. You could seize a STD,Genital warts, you could obtain pregnant(If you have a child that's 21 years of raise and a life time of work.), you could regret this and it's irreversible. You two don't enjoy to go adjectives the way to prove your love, if this is going to be a persistent relationship you will still be together NEXT Valentines day. A relationship shouldn't ride on sex alone.Good luck, God bless, Good vigour, and I really hope you make the best choice not for him, not for your reputation, but for you.
In your first file you say that you own known respectively other for a while, and that is what I am looking at here.
If to be precise true, then have made it official one and only four days ago is really not meaningful at adjectives, is it?
I think you should turn with the flow here, and hold a wonderful romantic evening with him.
Who know, he may not even want sex with you tonight?
Men are for a time strange that way.
If they know that it is your first time, they would a bit be prepared, and by the way, better be prepared anyway.
Take along a sanitary wipe just surrounded by case it is needed, and enjoy a condom stashed in your purse.
Just surrounded by case.
If you are have doubts, questions, and concerns, you are untrained. You have dated this guy for 4 days, in attendance is NO WAY that you can possibly know him. Just because grown-ups have one darkness stands, doesn't make it right. Usually, grown-ups realize the possible consequences of their arrangements, and if something does go wrong, they are more develop and able to accord with it. Have you thought almost how something going wrong can screw up your babyish life-forever? There are sexually transmitted diseases, the possibility of condoms bursting [Have you thought of how having a kid will drastically change your enthusiasm FOREVER?]
You didn't say how feeble this guy is. If he is your age, more than likely he is given up the ghost, or at least doesn't enjoy a substantial job. How will he relieve support you and your baby? Will he even attempt to be in that? If he is older than you, he should be thinking of your welfare. I would be inclined to bet that he is just wanting to bring some from a young virgin. I suggest that you sit within a tub of cold bath river, and seriously consider the consequences. [ A COUPLE MINUTES OF PLEASURE-A LIFE OF UNPLANNED CONSEQUENCES ] You must do wot u feel comfortable beside, no matter wot ppl right to be heard, losing ur virginity is a big deal, u shudnt do it jus cuz u contemplate u "shud", u do it wen u'r redy. If u'r worried, talk 2 him give or take a few it, tel him exactly how u feel - if he requirements 2 b with u he'll become conscious if u want 2 w8 - it sounds like u'r have a gd time as u r neway, so u shudnt feel pressured 2 pocket things further if u'r not sure. I was surrounded by almost exactly the same situation (except I'm not a virgin) - I've bin seein a guy, things wer progressing but I wasnt redy 2 hav sex so we jus talkd in the region of it and he was completely cool near it. It's totally normal 4 u 2 be aware of not redy, even if he feels redy 2 run things further.
If you have to ask this give somebody the third degree then no don't do it. If you'd set in your heart of heart then this doubt would not be surrounded by your mind. Save yourself for that someone special. It may end up self this boy but until you know each other hang around. If its ment to be it will happen. Don't put added pressure on yourself savour exploring each other short the actual sex. But wait until your 100% sure that you want to loose your virginity to someone until that time you do it. I wait for my husband and its the best point I could have done. Well see as though your doubting it i don't think u should, when you want to lose yor virginity manufacture sure it feels similar to its with the right prson and you hold no doubts. It will then brand you feel better in the region of yourself.

Yo don't have to lose your virginity straight away a moment ago because your older than 16!
If you watchfulness about what your friends mull over... then no. Also.. not similar to virginity is a HUGE deal anymore it a moment ago kinda sucks a a couple years down the road when you realize you lost it to someone who you don't really know. I like this : "if he really care about you, next he can wait, too."
so this is around what I was going to right to be heard

well, you don't know the guy. if you're not slightly sure, don't do it. just lay aside and read the first sentence again :)
dont do it let go it you should wait

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