Any help or guidance for girlfriends fear of period considering thinned blood?

After being admit to Orlando Regional Medical Center through emergency girlfriend received a heart op. (Stint and catherization) 2 days later, nearly to be discharged she began bleeding profusely and they discovered a clot in her leg. Because she have no money or insurance she was discharged anyway next to 4 diferent blood thinners(including one she must shoot in her belly twice a day) plus other meds. Now she's scared to acquire her period(among her other fears), which is due in approx. a week. A leg I, she, or somebody can squeeze or even tournaquet if obligatory. What to do for excessive bleeding during period is beyond any of us. Any help would be appreciated.

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She isn't going to bleed excessively during her period. You don't bleed at adjectives during a period! It isn't blood that comes out. It is uterine pool liner. As a woman, you girlfriend should know this already. If not, she missed out on quite a bit of her teaching, and needs to fence in up. See if you can get her some books or something to read while she recover.

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She may bleed more during her spell but it's probably not going to be a problem.

She should make sure she is ingestion well and getting plenty iron and vitamin C. Cast iron pans are inexpensive and will join iron to your diet. Citrus fruits are also healthy. She should *not* filch any vitamin K.

This is a link to form services for the uninsured in Orange County:

How long does it take for the spine to grow back?

her flow will be heavier. fatefully, there's nil she can do but buy thicker pads, and convert them more frequently. she may actually find that it help with the cramping. believe me, she's better past its sell-by date with a bulky period than a pulmonary embolism.

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