I want to know how mant sexual partners do you think is too many for a 19 year-old female?

Answers:    There is no set number. That number is up for you to decide what is appropriate or inappropriatee. Its your life and your body, only you can decide what is decent and indecent..
Well as a young girl myself..I'd say that one partner is enough.It's up to you as to what you want to do with your life and how much you value yourself. Don't be a follower..girls who have more than one sexual partner at a time are promiscuous. And besides, if a condom ever bursts you don'tt want to have the headache of trying to guess who. But on the other hand if you're meaning partners as in number count..more than one but under 5 for your age is ok. No need to beat up ones self over more than one guy. If you feel as though you've reached the phase of sexual awakening and u feel u cant do without "excitement" I suggest getting a toy. Look at it this way.less partners, safer option but fun for you. it all depends. im 23 and have had sex with 5 people. i was in serious committed relationships with each of them, i was 100% faithful, i used protection (pill as well as condom) and i dont see anything wrong with it.originally i was gunna wait til marriage but it was my personal choice to not wait and im so glad i didnt wait. i want my wedding night to be passionate and an expression of love with my husband..not full of awkward fumbling, pain, bleeding and not knowing what i am doing. i dont think my number is high at all because of the manner of which i went through partners...ex: my friends sister recently lost her virginity and in the past 3 months she has slept with 5 guys...she has slept with the same number of people i have but mine was spread out over a course of 6 years..hers was in 3 months... i think her number is worse than mine even though numerically it is the same... does that make sense? lol.
2 is 2 many I think anyways. But there are allot of females that have sex at 13 and end up having about 12 people racked up at 19. Thats bad everyone needs to wait till you get married but nobody does that anymore but at least slow it down if you have more than 2 now. Sex should be with someone that you care about very much. Well, i'm 19 and Ive had 3 sexual parteners in my lifetime, (all used protection) One of which ive been w/ for 3 years now and still together.
When i was in the 9th grade I met this girl and she had already had 9 sexual partners! and we were only in the9th grade, can u believe that??? .
It all depends on your own expectations of yourself and your partner. It's important to be able to trust your partner and to use contraception. If you feel like you can't trust them, don't sleep with them. Dont listen to this idiot alasstud, the guys a jerk, dont listen to his false answers, morst decent people gae you the right answer. Its idiots like this that ruin WomenAnswers.org..
1 is enough.
2 is too-much.
3 is outrageous!

*I'm refering to continously* NOT PERIODICAL THOUGH..
I would say 1 or 2 are okay, but too many more than that, and people would say things...

1 guy I know had sex with 3 or 4 girls before he was 18. He would be called a man-whore..
Huh? One is not enough for you? At nineteen are you trying to break a record for being promiscuous or something? I agree with Lauren M. None! unless you are married, then 1...but you can have him all you want! : D.
There can never be TOO many sexual partners :) If you are not married, 1 is too many..
ONE... none, not unless your married

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