This is a personal question..?

Alright, im 12 years old and i be wondering if this is bad okay? i enjoy a very nice flat stomach, a big butt, i am skinning a bit short but im okay next to that but 1 problem my bra size is only a 34A and adjectives my friends are like 36B and stuff resembling that, so can anyone tell me if its bleak or anything, i am very uncomftertable near my body.

Personal body issue?

Everyone grows at a different rate, so there is zilch to compare with your friends. You're still growing, and at this tender age some things will have a feeling abnormal for awhile until the body finishes developing. If you really requirement something to compare to, most girls follow the pattern of their mothers.

I stipulation a good anti persperant (i dont smell.. i sweat.) oblige please?

You are fine; you are still growing...resist the urge to compare yourself to other people, you are unmatched!

how long will it take curing the yeast infection using creams one and only? is it really effective and pr oven?

you r lone 12 years old. population's bodies grow at different speeds.
it is fine

When should I worry that my 13yr hasn't gotten her first length? all her friends hold had theirs.?

do be unconfortable beside a boy and im 15 and i got a girlfriend i.e. 13 and she is like same body type as you..remarkably skinny and a decent butt.umm she dont get much either..but really it dont bother me...your still pretty young at i wouldnt worry roughly ones body is sure you will develope more...


At your age, everyone is uncomfortble next to their bodies. That's normal, and OK. What isn't OK, though, is comparing yourself to others. You are you, and you are personal. Remember that.

Everyone, every person on this planet, will grow to the size and shape to be exact genetically programmed for them and will do so in the time explicitly genetically programmed for them.


What do you feel after sex?

There is nought at all wrong near your body. Everyone developes at a different age. I didn't even ware a bra until I was nearly 15 and after I didn't need it that unpromising, but I sure wanted it. By the time I be 19 I was 36C! Now at my age, 62, I aspiration I was a 34b. Take your time growing up. Enjoy your childhood. When it is gone, it is gone forever. Remember, immense breasts are more trouble for you than small. Clothes don't fit as well, your shoulders can throbbing, and you can start sagging within your 20s.

Overactive Bladder?

buy a bigger bra and stuff it.

Is my mom going through menopause?

Everyone grows at different rates, so you are totally normal. I used to verbs too, because I had a small chest, but I realize very soon that it's not all that doomed to failure; I am still normal immediately as an adult, (although still on the smallish side), but the big supremacy is that I won't sag when I bring back old! :-) Besides, guys resembling breasts no matter what size they are. (Not that you should just worry give or take a few what other people imagine, you need to approaching yourself first.) Everyone comes in different shapes & sizes, & that is to say completely normal. It is also majority for girls to have one breast to be exact a little bit bigger than the other.

how would men should treat women when they are have their period?

Don't verbs. Everyone goes through that interval. When I was your age I be kind of restricted, had a big butt, a larger chest than any of my classmates, and short. I know at 12 it's intricate having a butt because jeans will fit around the leg region and consequently will become impossible to get around the butt, but surrounded by time your body will change along near your attitude and you'll love your unique shape. The waiting sounds complex, but you have to remember that the ancestors around you are going through the same point no matter how confident they give the impression of being.

Possibly pregnant?

You will grow in your own time. Its not a desperate thing. Some women arent expected to be busty. Dont worry in the order of your bra size now. Youre too young-looking to worry going on for that. I didnt "blossom" until I was 15.

Question roughly speaking gynecologist?

your only 12 you hold plenty of time to grow still. plus your skinny just tender it some time. Good Luck :)

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