EMERGENCY!! What if the tampon's stuck WAAAAY up nearby?

Ok ok ok ok. I'm freaking out right now because I be stupid and forgot that there wasn't a tampon already inserted in my vagina and later put another one in. The 2nd on come out fine, but the 1st one is lodged way up nearby. SERIOUSLY. I tried to pull it out and the string must've gotten attached to the tampon and the more I tried to bring it out, I kept pushing it back further and further. Now I can only just reach it near my finger.

Does the vagina just push it out? Or should I progress to the hospital? It's really embarassing I know, but I need give support to.

My cherry was popped and..?

Go to your doctor - They can attain it out for you. It's quite adjectives but you must get it done now as it could lead to toxic shock syndrome

How do I achieve rid of razer burn down there?

go to the doctor, asap

Older ladiesplease assistance?

I would go to the Dr's office/hospital.

What is the best method of pubic spike removal?

NO, it will not come out by itself, though I'm sure you could try pushing a bit while you fish for it. It may not warrant needing to move about to the emergency room... you might be able to a short time ago go to your ob

Irregular period and starting Birth Control?

Ok, ive read in a magazine that you should see your gyno or go to the hospitol, it can draw from infected.

Pubic hair?

go to the nearest hospital or clinic to procure it removed, u don't want to risk infection or TSS (toxic shock syndrome) caused by tampons not here in too long. polite luck!

How long does it take for me to discern OK after having a tummy tuck and lipo?

go to doctor IMMEDIATELY! although it is embarassing, departing a tampon can lead to an infection which is road worse and more embarassing.

Ok, i know this is kinda gross?

go to the hospital. That is serious and you shouldn't leave a tampon surrounded by there that long you could seize tss. or something.

Laugh lines? young *tear*?

You Could carry Tss, that can kill you...DOCTOR!! GOOD LUCK GURL

Is it run of the mill to get your length 4 days before you start the 'white' unoccupied birth control pills?

Well my exgf had a problem basically like this, so I have to get the forceps and verbs it out. So either find a really upright friend or go to the doctor because you already know you could take TSS if its too long (but its very rare).

Im trying to get hold of pregnant i stopped having the depo injection terminate of july last year it run out in october my l

call the doctor your not the first one that forgot one be there. One of my friends completed up with toxic shock this is a totally serious business see if your doctor have an urgent care clinic they usually break open early am.. you requirement to call right very soon!

Hunger management pills?

Have a doctor remove it if you're incompetent to remove it yourself. Can cause infection. Try some kegel exercises, perchance you can push it down some and then manage it. Otherwise, go own it taken out. You're not the first woman to have that surface.

Can u have 2 period in one month?

u shld not even be typing this.but run 2 hosp asap...
get it out b4 ur muscles push it surrounded by further..

Does periods contribute you urges to pee?

Go the the emergency room right now. If you are mortified ask for a female RN or Doctor. You will take very sick if you can't win it out. Research toxic shock syndrome. It is serious!

What is ..?

The doctor will get it out surrounded by a second...it wont hurt. Don't be embarrassed this have happened to copious women the doctor is use to this.

Am i okay if i had my DOT 2 times final.?

go to the hospital you are at risk for PID

Is there anything i can do to gross my boobs perkier?

If your husband/boyfriend isn't there . and you don't enjoy a girlfriend than isn't grossed out by fingering her friend ... then you should return with to the hospital. Otherwise, seriously, spread your legs wide and see if your "friend" can verbs it out. If I were in the neighbourhood you I'd come by and do it for you!

Good Luck!!

A fast mode to lose 10 pounds in 3 days?

before doing anything you might as powerfully go through the ripleys book and you might own set a record

Lose it, drop it, show it?

Go to your gynecologist and own him/her remove it.
Don't wait, you can obtain seriously ill from the tampon.

Why do armpits turn dark after using deodorant for years? Are there any remedies to clear the armpits up?

if you cant bring back it out yourself you must go and carry it removed. it wont be pushed out naturally and if moved out to long can cause tss. Go and see your doctor (or a nice friend next to a large double act of tweezers!)

Brown vaginal discharge?

happened to my friend. she went to the hospital. it surely will come out on it's own time, but that's too long of a time for other things to evolve. the sooner it's out, the better.

What does it mean when you pee blood after sex but it comes out of your little one hole and hurts?

I would go to the doctor to catch it out.

What is the best way besides adjectives douching and washing to keep going vaginal oder?

Go to the hospital ASAP! You do not want to get TSS, and take an infection. Having a tampon up there can trade name you really sick. Don't be embarrassed, I know a girl who have a hot dog stuck up her vagina and that's embarrassing! So progress, it will be fast and over soon adequate.

When you lose control, do you?

The tampon should work it's way hindmost down far enough that you can verbs it out. If it doesn't, you still should be able to accomplish in and gain it out without have to visit the ER. Relax your muscles, relax your body and try to verbs it out. If the tampon is "stuck" inside for more than 8 hours, then you should move about see a doc, but more than likely as it absorb more and more it will work it's way down so you can go and get it out.

Does the?

if u take a tub with hose down the tampon will fill within with a great deal of water and because it will be large it will be pushed down by itself, just relax and lug a bath

Is it true that applying Hydrogen Peroxide lightens the curls on your body?

Hey...relax girl..u gotta relax..
Take a deep breath.. and cool down..
Dont verbs nothing worse could surface ...thats just it, its stuck..
What u call for to do is, calm down..
When ur adjectives calmed down, try again to pull it slowly and steadily..
Try sitting on the toilet (potty).. and pull it slowly..
or seize a friend(if u can stand the embarrassment)..to pull it..

The secretive to pulling a stuck tampon is, to not panic and do it surrounded by a relaxed way, this mode ur vagina and whole of the clunching nouns would ease up and this would amenable up ur whole system down at hand.. U gotta relax..

Now if say u have a feeling no progress from pulling it when sitting on the toilet(a position where ur similar to goin for a t)..
Then id suggestion u to go to the hospital..
U cant depart from it in at hand right?

So try it..slowly.. maybe put some lubricant would also back ..

Take it easy..takecare..


Do you close to the IUD? Birthcontroll?

u gotta get 2 fingers in in attendance and dig it out.

I approaching big butts?

Calm down hun. Call your doctor, your gyn if you have one. Don't be embarassed to vote what happened over the phone. They will relate you if you should come the doctors office or jump the the hospital. It's going to be ok.

Regular or irregular?

This happened to me once. I manage to relax and kind of 'push' it out, or at lowest far enough so that I could realize the string. However, it is dangerous for it to stay contained by you fr too long because of toxic shock syndrome - I would make an emergency appointment at the doctor or travel to a hospital outpatients clinic.

Periods? girls only!?

That happen to me a School. Go to the doctor!!

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