How long until merina shortened your periods?
mine is veeeeeeeeery light and presently down to 2 1/2-3 days... it was really behind schedule too. 3 1/2 weeks late! whew, that be a close call.. i have 2 negs on a prego test, so i know it's zilch like that.. i'm merely wondering how common it is for the merina to do this.. how long after have it in did it whip to do this? mine's been contained by for almost 1 1/2 years now :o) i loooooove this article!
What you're experiencing is very adjectives... it's a great method of birth control for lots of reasons... not with the sole purpose is it super effective, but it also shortens your period and makes the cramping smaller quantity severe.
Every woman is different but most see improvements in their period within 6 months.
No solid worries about mortal pregnant--- it's one of the most effective methods ever, and nearby is no room for user error.