Symtoms of premenopause?

when does this start ? how will i know ? iam 39 years of age for the last 5 years i enjoy lost sexual interest and also periods hold changed lighter,and this year put on 10 pounds ,unexplained?


Answers:    A 39 y.o. is young to dance into perimenopause, but probably not unheard of. Talk to your physician about the change you mentioned. You could also be experiencing sub-clinical symptoms of thyroid disease! Good health to you.
okay it can start that young and some enjoy started at 30 or so. it can be that. you do gain weight and you can lose sex drive. its adjectives comes together. and the heat and sometimes cold flashes also. you can filch premarin but at your own risk. its suppose to be chancey but i took it for 3 years and tyou will see you will have angry outbrursts it horrible but that si what happen. take thoroughness. I think 39 is a bit on the young at heart side (usually 45-50) some symptoms: urinary frequency, dry skin, bleeding, itching, and even osteoporosis
perimenopause (premenopause ) can start as early as your thirties.. if you surmise you might be starting perimenopause I would talk to your gynecologist and see what he/she say.. It's possible that it has started for you. There is no pre-defined age for menopause to start, it happen when your ovaries are running low and out of eggs. I would say turn to see your MD who can run some tests within order to give a hand you know if what you are experiencing is the beginning of menopause or if it is another problem.
premenopause can start as soon as you be off the womb. the first symptom is the incessant need to disturb your husband or spouse when he is relaxing. This is prearranged as nagging wife syndrome. if you have lost sexual desire consequently you need to surround yourself next to attractive men on a minute by minute basis-stop hanging around fuglies. Every woman is different, my mother go through it at age 28 which is rare but if effects respectively one of us differently. But for the most part we adjectives experience hot and or cold flashes. Mood swings, lost of appetite, weight gain/lost, high/low sex drive and those little bead of sweat on your nose and forehead. And the darkness sweats, hot one minute and cold the next.

You will know when it happen, the fire within is so intense, that as soon as it comes, it's gone. What might effect one might be the in front of to another. And the average age is about 40 to 45 to start but one can start when her body say its time. So get equipped for the ride of your life.

I'm still going through it but not as desperate now.
But is be bad for a moment, I reckon it's almost over that is for me immediately. And with that I exceed this torch to you, you can have it I don't want it any more.

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