Who and how.?

do I talk to roughly speaking getting on birth control? How do I ask this person? What do I voice to them?

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Talk to your gyn and speak about them you would like to start b/c and they can narrate you your options.

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Find your local planned parenthood or free clinic or see a gynecologist. You will expected have to enjoy a pelvic exam before anyone will prescribe bc. Just walk in and describe them you need to grasp on bc.

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make a new appt near your doc and explain to them that you are sexually active, if you are underage ask an fully fledged that you can trust if its not your parents, maybe an elder sibling? i did it foir my younger sister cause my mother be so protective and my sis was 19. so agree to someone you can trust.

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I feel the same channel about asking my parents but very soon I am 20 with 2 kids. Your local strength department can get you started o birth control, Usually for free.you do enjoy to have a pap smear since they can start yo on it though

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It depends totally on what form of birth control you wish to run on, doctors are normally the first step but plentiful doctors are ignorant in the region of different birth control options as in good health as different side effects. The first step is always to do the research yourself, not in recent times on methods such as Fertility Awareness or IUD's but also on more commonly used methods such as the pill or shot that carry lots negative side effects, abundant of which are glossed over or simply not discussed by doctors so you need to be fully aware of these things for yourself back approaching a doctor to actually use birth control.

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tell ur doc that u want them and he/she will give u a prescription, if u don't want to do that turn to a free clinic. geez, u sit here and say "don't make clear to me to talk to my parents, i'm 19", if u are so develop for 19 why don't u know this stuff already, didn't u take sex ed within high university? i learned this stuff when i be a freshman!

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