Serious cross-examine give or take a few tampons-do they expire?

I am sorry, but I had a friend who asked me if tampons it hazardous to use old tampons..right to be heard from 2006

Answers:    If the wrapping is intact, they're safe to use.

Nothing they're made of is perishable.
o no it is only cotton its like you are using tolitpaper form 2006 your past the worst No, they are fine to use. However, personally I would not use one if it be old and raddy looking.
yeah i agree next to the other girls they do not expire aslong asa the wrapper is still intact you aint got a damn article to worry just about No expire date, use away
Yeah I wouldn't use tampons that have be riding around in my purse for a year. but if they are straight from a verbs box (or even better a closed box) then they are clearly ok.
Use your good sentence on how they look, smell, feel etc. What the first personage said.

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