Blister Trauma!!?

Well i went to basketball practice and it be hurting (my feet) like i be adding to much pressure on my right food so consequently i took it off and the bubble of my foot was purple very soon i got a blister and it hurts! its huge man!! what do i do to gross it go away glib i am NOT going to happen but yeah what do i do put rime on it or what? help and what is an estimate of when it will step away

Does it hurt to have your IUD taken out?

I can commiserate near you on huge blisters. Especially on the sole of the foot. The best thing to do is to hold on to it dry and covered, even if it means shifting your socks frequently to keep them dry. After a few hours of daylight, it should be ok to pop the blister, near and slither with a sterile plunger and then cover it again.

Having trained for 2 Charid 60 mile walk I got a great deal of big blisters. We had a doctor along that seem like adjectives he did all light of day was pop and plaster blisters. I took pictures of several walkers foot showing how much they were tape up to get through the waddle. I had one on my heel that be about 2" contained by diameter. Something we did to help hold our feet dry be to put antiperspirant on our feet. It sounds odd but it really helps!

i am suffering from constipation from 1 and partially year after my delivery, i tried lots fybogels and other medic

That depends on if you keep rubbing it or not.
It should be checked out by a doctor.

I am nearly to undergo egg donation.anyone else tried it?

ew thats gross
soak ur foot and warm river mixed wit bath salt
and rime ur feet as expected

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