No periods?

I went to sri-lanka fo a holiday for 2 months from the uk, and i didnt carry any periods-on 1 occasion, i lately got 1 drop but thats going on for it. I even packed a unbroken lot of pads because i hear that the pads over here aren't very apt. Why did this happen?

Just have my information pack come for the race for life span..?

Travel, very habitually effects the menstual cycle, so it's not abnormal to miss a interval or come on early when on holiday, so this may okay explain what happened to you, especially if they enjoy returned to normal since coming home.
Other things can motive disruption to the menstrual cycle, eg being beneath or over weight, poly cystic ovaries, stress, and as you would expect pregnancy.

Any woman ever recieve a negative urine check home bought and doctors test but have a positive blood test??

You don't speak if you're on any kind of birth control or whether you could be pregnant or not. if this is a possibility seize a test to rule it out. save go to your doctor, it could be something simple but its indeed worth getting it checked out.

good luck

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Primary raison d`??tre of missed periods is pregnancy; own you ruled that out?

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were stressed? sometimes that can stop or alter our periods? linger and see what happens the subsequent time your due - if it happens again possibly go to your g.p - if its ok I wouldnt verbs about it x

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Stress can also be a cause for missed period too. Even if the reason for the stress is something moral and exciting.

So yes, it's possible the stress of the trip could have delayed your spell.

I would recommend double checking with your dr to be on the secure side.

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There are too many things that could enjoy caused it, such as birth control, climate, diet, wild changes. You don't bring up to date us your age either or if you enjoy been se... ually helpful. If I were you, I'd own a pregnancy test and a check up next to the doctor.


is this a new item or have you have any female trouble surrounded by the past? are you on birth control or is it possible you could be pregnent thats the most adjectives reason you skip period. either agency you need to transmit your dr. whats going on you need a medical diagnosis obedient luck i hope every things ok for you

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you might be pregnant do a examination which i think you most properly hold , it could be your body reacting to a different climate if you are really concerned something like this go and catch a appointment at your GPs and talk to the nurse or doctor they will know more ,so it be just the different climate an you are merely young so your body lately getting started .x

I am a 32 yr.old mom of 3 (tubes tied) and my time has not come this month. no insurance, so what do i do?

periods are funny it take years for a period to become regular

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Stress can stop your period, but so can a number of factor, including your diet. If you don't eat properly, your body will use the get-up-and-go that would normally be used for pool liner your womb to keep adjectives the other systems of your body running, that's why anorexics don't get period. I'm not saying you're adjectives yourself, but even a short time minus a sufficient supply of iron-rich foods can cause a bout of anaemia. In adjectives the preparation for your trip did you eat differently? Could be the answer you're looking for. Look after yourself.

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i'm not sure what's happening but something similar happen to me. I went to Thailand for almost a month and had no interval. Right after i get posterior from vacation, i started have brown discharge and period have been out of the ordinary ever since. I've had pap smear and cervical ultrasound but nil can be identified. Anyway, hope things would turn out fine sooner or later.

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You could've be stressed about something and not even know it. Body still change despite age. My period never stays on rota and usually when I'm stressed out it comes 3 weeks early and contained by the same month as my final. But just to be on the undamaging side I would check up with your gyn.

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