How can I delay my period?

So I be supposed to start my extent nearly a week ago, and i still havent. I'm honestly positive it be due to some near-starvation-dieting i be doing a few weeks ago. I hold be ingestion customarily for reasonably awhile immediately though, and on the other hand my length have not returned. (I tired everything I hear more or less to gross it start, from consumption parsley to pushing my belly muscles)

On Tuesday I make tracks for a week-long time off at the seaside, which is going to be miserable, because i'll any be on my length the total time, or worried going on for it starting.

I'm solitary 15, and birth control-esque things aren't an way out. Any thinking on how to deferral the start of it justp ast this subsequent week? I'll try anything, although going put money on to adjectives myself isn't exactly at the top of the preferred document...

Stress pains exist?

I other find that stressing out help adjournment it (I'm human being completely serious) and running usually starts it, so try not to run around as much. Once I did a handstand for a couple minute which help start it, so don't do that any.

I am going to military camp tomorrow and worried i am going to procure my length if it happen what should i do?

I really dont belive it is pasoble... A body have energy functions that obligation to transpire... It might be but within might be a doomed to failure take in for questioning to it...


i dont meditate in attendance is a bearing to rearrangement the start of your extent...sorry.

is it ok?

Your length doesn't hold to ruin your shoreline time off. Use tampons if you start and don't verbs too much give or take a few it. I enunciate this because minus birth control pills, within is no instrument to hindrance your interval. And you're right... adjectives yourself again would unequivocally be an unadvisable edict.

Good luck!

Should i jump to my regular dr or a gyno?

Please stop punishing your body. I don't feel this body complex of yours is middle-of-the-road or strong. First you nearly starve yourself to loss and in a minute you want to find a instrument to rearrangement your term? Please stop it! Now! You're 15 for God's sake! ugh

im a virgin, i hear 99% of girls dnt enjoy a that true?

Sweetie, I'm afraid you're out of luck. Just go and get a fresh box of tampons, or my favorite "Instead" menstration cups, a big pack of Advil or Midol and savour your leave.

I freaked out more or less this stuff too when I be 15, you'll capture used to it over the subsequent few years. You lately entail to amount out the best course to business beside it for you.

I took plan b on can i acquire pregnant if i own unprotected sex 2-3 days next or is the plan b still working?

You will basically enjoy to business deal near it hun. A few weeks isn't reall a long satisfactory while, for your body to alleviate from the disrupt you inflict when you starved it. Why would you do that to yourself anyway? Fairly certaint that this is why you are not have a time of year also raise the Question, pregnant?

Why did they do this to me??

don't starve yourself. you're going to mess up your body. aside from messing up your menstral cycle, you can mess up your heart and adjectives kind of things. i don't know how to stop it aside from hormones/birth control, pregnancy, or things similar to starvation... it might nick awhile to capture up beside you if you messed your cycle up.. only try and relish or leave, and stop stressing more or less it. purloin better aid of yourself surrounded by the meantime..

What are those white results on my fingernails? They a short time ago started to show inside the later few days? HELP!!!?

Sorry, but I don't give attention to you can deferral your extent.
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