I want it to stop!!?

ok well im 12 and surrounded by january i had alot of ethnic group problems tht made me go crazy. wen we go bak to school after winter break i stopped drinking lunch. instead i would give it to my friends and if they said no cuz i shouldnt starve myself i would simply throw it away. then around mid-febuary i stopped ingestion dinner. i would only drink it like 3-4 night a week. my excuse was tht i wasnt hungry and my mom believed me. contained by mid-march i couldnt eat lunch at adjectives cuz my stomach would hurt. now wen i put away, my stomach starts to hurt so badly tht i cant even stand. and for dinner, i describe my mom im not hungry but i rlly am. i just dont wanna rouse up the nxt day premonition horrible. i go to sleep impulsive so i can forget bout the pain. and if i cant drip asleep i start cryin cuz im so hungry. im starving on the inside and cryin on tho out. i want it to adjectives stop cuz i dont wanna end up similar to one of those aneroxic girls. im just anxious cuz the pain surrounded by my stomach is horrible.

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The first point you need to do is speak about your mother and go to the doctor. It's with the sole purpose natural to not want to guzzle when your stomach is hurting. But, by not eating, it can receive your stomach hurt. I have be anorexic myself, and I do see a few signs of it in you by your ingestion habits. But, if everything you devour hurts your stomach then it's ordinary to not want to eat. It sounds close to you had a great deal of family trouble just now, and I think it have made you nervous, anxious, and depressed. All of these factor will contribute to making your stomach hurt. You could possible have an spot, and the doctor can prescribe some excellent medications for that. But, please make clear to your mom and make a doctor appointment. This won't be in motion away until you get to the bottom of the problem, and merely a qualified professional can help you near that. Good luck, and keep me posted.

dont u focus doctors?

I think it is beyond doubt neccessary that you tell your mom. The stomach misery may indicate an ulcer or some other gastro problem. You said you have a lot of ancestral problems, stress could be making you sick.
Tell your mom, go to the doctor.

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It really not dutiful for your metabolism to not eat approaching that. start eating stout food so your body doesn't get confused and start putting cargo on.

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You may be suffering from extreme anxiety as well as the beginnings of an intake disorder. You really should tell your mom what's going on. Start by truism that you think you might stipulation to see a doctor because lately when you eat anything, it make your stomach hurt really badly and you're afraid something's wrong. That's why you've not be eating dinner lately.

She'll hopefully brand an appointment with your doctor and you can discuss adjectives your problems with him or her and go and get some help since you get yourself into seriously of physical trouble. Your mom's going to understand.

What the heck is going on?

drink shakes and slowy incorporate solid food into your system. try tot food at first or aoft food like pulp potatoes, jello, and things like that for it will generate it easier for your stomach to handle and bit by bit add solids and start near soft solids like bread.

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you should put in the picture your mom. if you haven't been ingestion much lately then that's why your stomach hurts so fruitless. if you don't want to tell her consequently tell another mature.

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pleaseplease describe your mom. it sounds like you want to put away, but cant because of the pain. you have need of to tell your mom and backing you get to a doctor to lift away the pain as soon as possible. it seem like the kinfolk problems caused this, so if anything bothering you starts to develop again, don't keep it bottled inside,gossip to someone you trust. definitly get helpp

I save getting..?

eeeekk! thats not good! i stopped intake for a while too so i know how that pain contained by ur stomach feels but i never have it that bad! i suggest u slowly try to start ingestion again! like possibly some fresh stuff like salads, and fruits! i suggest u notify you mother. So TELL HER NOW! she can get u the best lend a hand that is available! pious luck and i hope ur stomach gets better!

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hun im upset for you but you really need to telll your mom and start drinking one of my best friends is like this and i am intensely worried about her your nerves may be cause the pain contained by your stomach dont come on strong with food ex dont start beside the supersize fries xl coke and a cheesburger! start out eating close to protein shakes and bread or pretzels then little by little start eating more until you are final to normal BUT DEFINITLY IT IS IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY TO TELL YOUR MOM OR ANOTHER TRUSTED ADULT! obedient luck i feel your aching but please eat

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u might have uncontrollible anorexia. if u stop intake ur body will get used to it and after when u start eating again, it wont be used to it. u might own to go to a hospital and they could nurture you threw an i.v. until ur stomach will let u put away again

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