Will be the same feelings when I open them to a guy?

I’m a young female went to gynecologist for first time. My legs never be opened to any ones’ facade before…. I was confused when I did it for check ups…Will be one and the same feelings when I unfold them to a guy?

And is it safe to apply some lavender grease around my genitals after taking shower to give a perfect smell?

No period since 14 feb, whats wrong beside her?

If you have a hurtful smell, then i.e. why you need the gynecologist.

Sweaty Sweetie?

Ask your mother.

What Pills??

No, it won't be impossible to tell apart feeling. You won't be surrounded by a cold, clinical office beside harsh lighting and a busy disinterested doctor. Hopefully, you'll be in some romantic, thaw cozy spot, with someone who genuinly feel close to you and who you feel close to. Self-conscious thoughts will be far away.

As far as lavender grease:

# Essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. There are instances when experienced aromatherapy users and practitioners produce exceptions to this precaution, but only once significant essential grease knowledge is gain should you ever attempt to apply an undiluted oil on the skin. Lavender and tea tree are planned by a large number of aromatherapy sources as one oils that can be used undiluted. Undiluted use of lavender and tea tree, however, should one and only be done on rare occurances as severe sensitivity still could occur within some individuals. Again, the safest rule of thumb is to never use any essential oil undiluted.

# Some oil can cause sensitization or allergic reaction in some individuals. When using a foreign oil for the first time, do a skin patch on a small nouns of skin. Place a small amount of the diluted essential oil (never use essential oil undiluted on the skin) on the inside of your elbow and apply a bandage. Wait 24 hours to see if in that is any form of reaction. Even if a demanding essential oil is not prearranged to cause irritation, this step should not be without being seen. Even if an oil does not irritate you, it still can irritate someone else. It is central that you always preserve that in mind.

Does pressing breasts,sucking *,drinking of breast secretion by boy-friend induce cancer clots in breasts?

If you having a loving relationship next to a man, it won't be the same as debut your legs for a doctor.

You should wash, but never apply anything to your genitals that perfume them before a GYN drop by. There are many conditions that are diagnosis by the smell. The doctor know the difference between clean but have symptomatic odor, and crotch rot.

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