For girls only: I am having an abnormal period. Why?

I started my period on Saturday hours of darkness, and bled all daytime Sunday. Since Monday I have just been spotting (very lightly). I am 25 and hold 3 kids, but never had a strange time like this. What's going on?

Missed first pill of brand new pack?

4 words! GO TO THE DOCTOR!

Not here!


whats so weird just about it? that happens to me adjectives the time and i'm 14.

My period is getting worse as i get elder why?

wow.three kids already

Problems with YAZ?

is it time for your time of year? If so, then I wouldn't verbs much. If not, I suggest going to see the doctor. I am 26 and I have one son here on dust and 2 babies in glory. I do the same entry, I start one day, next the next is hugely heavy afterwards I spot for the rest of the week. I think it have something to do with the amount of "stuff" the body is expelling. Hope this help.

Need advice!?

have u be stressed out lately?
much of what happens within your brain also affects your hormones.
try to keep your stress height low and avoid drama in your time if you want to live healthily. do it for your kids:)

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