Are home pregnancy tests reliable the day after sex?


Successful the First time?

How can you bring up to date what it is?

no they are reliable a few weeks after sex

Should I consent to my Boy Friend Ejaculate contained by my Buttocks? On top of it?

For a Laugh:

Yes! Im sure ur OB/GYN would be more than glad to embezzle a look down underneath, especally if he's a guy!

For an Answer:

NO! Always rob it surrounded by the morning, 1-2 weeks after.

How lots girls scrutinize porn also?

No pregnancy exam is reliable the daylight after sex. Chances are you won't even enjoy conceived even so.

Is this impossible?

it take 2-3 days for the sperm to even achieve to the egg...

Bra shopping near mom?

I assume you are asking if they are positive the morning after you obtain pregnant? Not whether sex have some other effect on the exam.

No, the soonest that positive is related to the pregnancy is 14-28 days.

miscarrage ??.. am i have one?


I'm confused..?

they wont work that soon theres no hormone to detect. they are reliable after you miss your time

Girls individual please!?

not only just a few days

My sis started her time of year and she requests to know what she should and shouldnt do and what she should avoid.?

no not really of late linger 1-2 weeks after it would be right to transport it!
polite luck!

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