What is the best way to get me organized where I do not forget things?

I am constantly writing lists surrounded by a notebook, reminders on post it notes, putting things into my Outlook calender, and jotting things down in my Day Runner. I spend more time making list than getting anything done, and always forget something. I also enjoy a hard time prioritizing things. I can only just remember to get groceries and what we necessitate, (since I can never find my list) Does anyone have any suggestions as a system to try that might work better for me? I work full time, show horses ( we practice daily) , enjoy a small child (who is in several sports), lift care of an elderly parent, and run an EBay business along beside all of other regular every day things, resembling shopping, cleaning and laundry. My life is in a minute running me in circles and I stay stressed since I am sure I am forgetting something.

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You certainly inevitability to re-evaluate your priorities & get someone to assistance you with your agenda. I would keep one on a daily basis planner. My husband just get me a palm pilot & it's great, this way I own access to all my calendar, weather I'm out in the enclosed space or @ home. You also need to programme some downtime, get a pat, take hot hip bath, take a bearing...You are the only one that can transmutation your current schedule. :)

Do girls own like white stuff within there virgina?

talk to the horses...put in the picture them you love them

you'll see..

Infertility & ovulation?

Take more easy on yourself. You are doing more that enougth is average to no remember all adjectives the time. Expend a little smaller quantity time doing listing an more time tray to relax

I enjoy a question in the region of STD's mature ppl single plz?

you need to prioritize adjectives the things you do in your life. make available something up, like perchance the ebay business. hire someone to help beside everyday chores or to help trouble for your parent at least slice time. it just nouns like you're trying to be superwoman and are doing too much. simplify.

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to start, simplify your index system. Keep only one record (I use a portable organizer book) & use outlook to remind you of very completely important issues (like to check your organizer daily), appointments, etc. Develop a dependence of doing this first thing respectively day and later priortize your list by numbering what you want to return with done. Take care of the most noteworthy, and if you cannot get to adjectives, move them to another day or in recent times let them travel. I know it may not be possible to eliminate any of your responsibilities, but possibly you can find ways to get assistance with some of them occasionally. It is ok to only just let some things dance sometimes too. Check on your child also. Sometimes all these deeds we let our kids join in really stress them too.

Remember what is really central in your energy. Spend as much time with your loved ones as you possibly can. (in a non-stressful activity) Take concern of yourself. Be happy. Everything else should appropriate lower priority. It is not the end of the world if you forget things or if you cannot work everything into the year that needs to be done. Always remember, 100 years from presently, none of this is going to be important or be remembered.

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