Hey ladies, I need your help..?

I suffer from extreamly bad cramps. I hold taken and tryed many over the couter medication to ease the twinge, but they do not work for me. Do you know any thing elese I could try?

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You may have a condition call dysmenorrhea. That is the term for tight cramping. However, you should see a ob/gyn because dysmenorrhea can be primary (no known cause) or it can be lower (to some other condition). If it is primary, they will probably give you extra-strength cramp killers for that time of the month. If it is subsidiary, it may go away once the underlying do is treated. See a doctor and good luck!

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try a heat pad

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im sure you might hold tried it already but midol works good. also if you strech similar to doing those back bridges and stuff help ease the niggle

Just a quick put somebody through the mill!?

Heating pads do work wonders (maybe at work you can buy those variety that stick on). Also drinking a lot of sea and excercising helps. Really though it is beyond the pale you should really talk to a doctor roughly it.

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Have you tried going on the pill, It help me, Also i know this is weird but a hot whiskey numbs the tummy


I would shift see a Dr. about it basis it could be that something is wrong. If over the counter meds don't work then at lowest possible the Dr. can prescribe you with something else that may work better.

Please i have need of help don't embezzle this as a joke!?

I don't go and get bad cramps but my roommate does and I hold heard that calcium help. She tried it and said it helped. I don't really know why it help but that is what I enjoy heard. You may want to try that. Also I enjoy found that if you are cramping really bad use a wipe instead of a tampon it will relieve some pressure. Warm baths, sweat pants, a couch, and a apt movie :) Hope you feel better sweetie!

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i win it you mean menstrual pains?

Personally this is what i found that works for me; when i spend a month relatively sedentary, for example during exams, i take the most horrible pains then. However when i'm particularly active and do seriously of exercise, like just this minute i went for mountain hiking trip, i scarcely have any aching at all. I deduce exercise all throughout the month is a huge support.

Otherwise try pain killer, especially the gel variety which exploit faster and are more gentle on the stomach. A reheat bath or a hot sea bottle helps. Sometimes when its really horrible, with the sole purpose a little rest helps me.which sucks when i really can't own it.

Lol my friend swears that a tot of gin always does the trick, but i don't know around that and i won't advise it :P

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try having sex when you own cramps. orgasms will make your agony go away :)

if your cramps are that desperate you should see a doctor there might be something wrong.

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Please increase your Calcium/Magnesium Vitamins to at most minuscule 100mg Ca and 500mg Mg.

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mabey your going to have your time what will help self tyenol exta streth that should help

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