What is PMS???


What does this mean?

Premenstrual Syndrome and I am have it right now. Mine usually hang lasts 3or 4 days into my extent. I get cramps, bloating, swollen breasts, fatigue and irritability. These are some of the focal symptoms but their frequency and intensity varies from one woman to the subsequent.

What is a virgin?

PRE MENSTRUAL SYNDROME it is the symptoms that you get right past your period.

Natural Birth control.?

Premenstrual Syndrome. PMS is cause by hormones- chemicals that are released in your body during your length. Causes grouchiness, bloating, irritablity, and tiredness.

Medication question?

Right formerly your period your hormones are surrounded by flux, sometimes in some women the hormones severely affect moods, sleep conduct, and other physical things like the route you digest food. All of this together can make a human being very irritable and "depressed". Sometimes it's extraordinarily mild, but sometimes it's so severe that a woman can be bedridden for a few days. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor going on for it. There are medications to give a hand get you through those days.

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