My period is 5 days late what does that mean?


sexual obsessive nouns? HELP!?

You might be pregnant. You might just be skipping this month. There's adjectives sorts of reasons why a woman might not take her period or might procure it late. If you are really worried just about it, go see your doctor.

Fiance's breast problemshould she run through with surgery?

it could be because u arent ingestion right. but if it gets any subsequently u should really go to the doctor or chitchat to ur mom

What else can be happening to me if i don't bring back my periods?

It ability's only just late

What is herpes?

Could be stress related. Stress on our body from something going on in our enthusiasm both good and fruitless can alter our periods for a bit.

Ovarian Cysts/Endometriosis?

If your not sexually stirring, it might be your eating way.

If you are sexually active, you could be pregnant, but i would keep on a few more days before you start to verbs to much.

Is this normal?

it is a short time ago late it depends on your age if you've newly started your period you will probaly hold an uneven cycle

First interval question?

Periods can never be exactly normal-which is the comeliness part of it. </sarcasm> If you have sex in the later month,you might be pregnant. If not,it may just be playing a trick on you. don't procure worked up,aight?

Girs: Kick in the ball?

Stress can do alot to your body. Give it a few days... and try not to worry roughly speaking anything!

What are the odds??

somebodys pregnant

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