Always tired?

im 35 and always tired.i dont own much energy similar to a normal 35yr antediluvian ,,ive been to the doc and have a work up done ,,,everything seems to be fine ,,,,does anyone know of any vitality pills to take that dont speed or mess next to you heart.i could use a little gusto help,,also b12 shots dont work for me much

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No punch pills are safe! Don't lift them. Are you anemic? That could be a cause. Also, how long be you on the B12 shots? Typically that is for a type of anemia, so I am curious. Vitamin B12 in the pill form is typically what is used for fatigue. I hold chronic fatigue syndrome so see if you can be checked for the epstein barr virus. Its like have mono all the time but not truly getting mono. Instead of the typical mono symptoms, you get the fatigue from it

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taking verve suplements will almost always increase your heart rate

try exercising regularly and munch through well

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Make sure your iron level are not low. Lower your caffeine intake and increase the fresh fruits and vegetables you eat.

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You could also enjoy sleep apnea. Even if you feel you are getting adequate sleep, with sleep apnea, it isn't restful. You may want to be see at a sllep clinic. They are generally covered by insurance.

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tiredness can be due to copious problem. it might be the lack if vitamins B. but taking vitamins does manner you'll solve the problem because you body might not be able to engage them. another reason might be your BMR(basal metabolic rate) is too low. which is tight you lack exercises. solution to this is to inprove ur digestion and exercise more commonly. p/m me if you need more info.

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