Can a boy get a disease from having sex with a girl who doesnt have a disease but was on her period n the?

blood got onto hiz private


Why is it that when I am menustrating I other poop more often consequently when Im not menustrating?


anyone decide to see endicrinologist as well as to internist for more answers?

always use a condom

How come you don't get pregnant while on the placebo week of pills?

No passageway jose'

Help me please?

bacterial infection is possible

Pain/Skin Irritation after sex?


Do women get damp dreams?? wht is the cause and wht happen exactly?


I have a lttle problem, any suggestions?

I don't come up with that is possible.

how do i know if i am pregnant while nursing?

gross to much info. No not if the girl doesn't hold a disease

HELP!!!yeast infection or std?

No... if she doesnt have a disease, where on earth would it come from?

Is vaginal suppository safe contained by pregnancy?

If you're asking this, you're too young to be have sex.

No, you can't catch a disease from her time of year.

Is there risk of pregnancy?

No. This might be the silliest question I've ever seen. Congratulations, you're prize will arrive within three to six business years.

Sex turned pain and faining?

No, that doesnt develop.

There is a dance at my institution coming up and I am sort of scared to walk while I have my term. What should I do


Just making sure for the birth control pill is it take one pill than give somebody a lift another 12 hours later?

no but it sure does drink gross. oopps thats another subject

Have any women try pee ing standing up over the toilet?

He could potentially get bloodborne pathogens similar to Hepatitis if they exist.
She could always own an STD and not know it...always use protection.

I am suffering significant fuzz loss?

No don't worry. You should be fine. Sometimes he could acquire somethign if he like have a cut on his privates. but you sound worthy

does anyone khow what small brown raised spots on the thighs might be they look resembling old age spots?

what do they inculcate in arts school nowadays, sex or biology, concentrate on your biology lesson and you might swot a thing or two, you own whole energy to have sex

Light pink spotting?

If her time shoots you in the ball!

Period problems.?

If she had no disease next no, you cannot directly catch anything from her. The (non-diseased) blood is definitely harmless and automatic, however if you do not keep your privates verbs by washing at most minuscule once a day (and especially after have sex) you put yourself at risk of a bacterial infection - period or no interval.

Why do they call it(serious question)?


Birth Control Dosage Lowered, what is run of the mill?

i asked my doctor this and he said no,though aids can be transferred and hepititis c,RARELY!
but your disease free
so no its just messy be his answer!
enjoy and dont freak out but remember theres still a slight hit and miss that you could fall pregnant so mind,ok? cool!

How can you have longer orgasm?

In answer to your interview. No.

It's not a good view to have sex while on your spell anyway. Surly you and your b/f can have ample self control to wait a few days until you are over your interval. And even then, other use a condom for protection from the threat of disease and un-wanted pregnancy.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

In some cases it is possible to get a bacterial infection. Remember, you don't enjoy to have a desease to be carrying the virus.

If you're referring to an event that have already occured I suggest you don't worry until you start developing some species of symptoms. Then you should go to your doctor.

In the adjectives, unless you're trying for a baby (and forgive me if I'm wrong but you don't nouns like someone who's at a devout age to be doing that), I suggest you use a condom.

Latex, elastic free bras and panties?

no. create sure to wash

Where do you get to have contraceptive coil out,doctor or local relatives plannin clinic?

no, but thats pretty gross. He now have his "red wings"

Butterfly excersisegirls only?

Firstly I want to know how you know she/he doesn't own a disease? If it is because he told you well you are exceedingly naive for taking a individuals word. YOU MUST ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM!

Secondly many virus and diseases are transferred through bodily fluids. Blood carries virus' as economically. Having sex is dangerous short protection but multiply that when someone is menstruating.

Let this be a lesson to you, you are obviously worried plenty to post this question. If you be a virgin, thank your lucky stars. If not go and go and get a medical check up.

If you are old adequate to have sex you must also feat responsibly. Do you want to be a mum? Do you want an STD? Do you want to contract a life threatening ailment such as HIV. These are the cold hard facts of have unsafe sex.

This may sound stern to you but I am just mortal honest. I hope everything is o.k. for you and next time you will be responsible for yourself.

Good Luck xx

How long until birth control become effective?

no but the girl can receive pregnant

What should I do? Should I take a home pregnacy interview or go to the doctor?

Sometimes you are not aware that you are a haulier of a STD. She could be honestly saying that she doesnt hold a STD and be a carrier.
Better be locked that sorry, use a condom.

Does any girl know how to wear those menstrual heatwraps? either on your skin or underwear?

Unprotected sex is other taking a chance on your strength...

Get sex feeling like mad when my husband touches me ..but when my husband and me have sex i'm not getting satisf

no, I do my girlfriend in the shower adjectives the time when she's on her period and it's solitary been a positive experiance

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