Period symptoms? or pregnancy?

I beleive I am about 6 wks preg. I own done 2 tests one positive one neg. i tried another today and it be invalid. I cant c my dr for a few days. I am a wk late. Ive be starving for pickles (which i havent eat since i was 5) for agout a month. My breasts are not tender and i hold not had morning sickness. I enjoy had stomach cramping. some final cramping when i stand too long (ie at work) i am irritable and can bcome an emotional wreck at the drop of a headdress but also i have be having a clear slight odorless discharge. i havent had any spotting that i no of. somedays i constantly urinate and once thru the nite i thought in that was some blood but i go back to bed and when i woke up i catn remember if it be real or a dream and at the time i have been reading more or less signs of pregnancy. so mayb it was my imaginaition. also have wild dreams and trouble sleeping dizziness headache and always tired. anyone hold any thoughts for me?!

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All I can tell you is that PMS and untimely pregnancy symptoms are often equal - it's easy to verbs them.

However, it's very enormously rare to seize a false positive on a home pregnancy test - false negative are far more common. So, congratulations! If you're still unsure, run a digital test, they're easier to read.

what does it be set to?

maybe try another test but beside your first morning wee that will give you a upright enough accurate reading
psyche get within with the doctor asap x

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