Why am i bleeding?

I have be on seasonique for a little more than a month but i am bleeding and shouldnt be for close to another month and a half. but the point is, its not like a typical time of year. i am passing alot of tissue instead of actual blood. is this common for this bc?


Birth Control plus Weight Gain?

It's normal to go and get breakthrough bleeding during the first three months of starting any new birth control pill. I with the sole purpose have four period a year too, and I don't get much blood at adjectives, just brown tissue. Your body doesn't pump as much blood into the pool liner of your uterus because it knows you aren't preparing for pregnancy - no ovulation.

Odd Pain? Embarrassing Question.?

I am not sure if it is conventional for THAT b.c but I know when I started depo shot I had one and the same thing. If it keep happening for a week or it become bothersome I would see a doctor. You could also go to www.webmd.com and they may hold an answer to ease your mind if youre worried. Good Luck!

Waxing your..?

Let me put your fears to rest and assure that this is completely common. It is normal to enjoy abnormal bleeding when you start any birth control. But I also must say aloud that if you were pregnant and didn't know it and you started the birth control that would casuse your body to abort the fetus.

Does anyone know anything more or less your periods getting lighter as you age?

Spotting is average for the first few months while your body adjusts to the unusual hormone levels, but that is to say just frothy spots of blood in your underware. If you are endorsement tissue, it means your uterus is sheding its inside layer. This does not sound everyday to me.
I have be taking bc hormone tablets for several years, so as not to get my period due to medical problems, and all I ever have was spotting.
It really does not give the impression of being normal to me sweetie and I would be in motion have a chat next to your doctor.

BIGGER BREASTS? pleze help?!?

It say on the commercial there is still spotting.
P.S.-Can you please IM my friend who's mom died? Her AIM is disenchantedx66

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